
jaunty adj.1.〔古語〕斯文的。2.時髦的,時興的。3.快活...


The new - comer was , indeed , alec d urberville , the late evangelist , despite his changed attire and aspect . it was obvious at a glance that the original weltlust had come back ; that he had restored himself , as nearly as a man could do who had grown three or four years older , to the old jaunty , slap - dash guise under which tess had first known her admirer , and cousin so - called 只要看他一眼,就能明顯看出他滿臉的色欲之氣他又差不多恢復了原來那種得意洋洋,放蕩不羈的樣子了,苔絲第一次認識她的這個追求者和所謂的堂兄,就是這樣的一副神情,只不過年紀大了三四歲罷了。

He was now wearing an adjutants uniform , with one epaulette and a shoulder knot . he walked with a jaunty strut , which would have been ridiculous if he had not been so handsome , and if his good - looking face had not expressed such simple - hearted satisfaction and good spirits 現在他穿著一套帶肩章和穗帶的副官制服,邁著穩重的雄赳赳的步伐向前走,假如他長得不清秀,假如他那好看的臉上不流露著和善的洋洋自得和愉快的神態,他的步伐就會令人發笑了。

The shaggy - haired undergraduate from st john ' s college , oxford university - dressed in a blue blazer , white shirt with enormous collars and a straw hat perched at a jaunty angle - has been seen before but only from the waist up 照片中這位牛津大學圣約翰學院的畢業生頭發蓬亂,身穿藍色夾克和白色大領襯衫,頭上俏皮的歪戴了一頂草帽。

If you allow yourself in my drawing - room ellen whispered ; but pierre walked out of the room , without answering her . anatole followed him , with his usual jaunty swagger . but his face betrayed uneasiness “ si vous vous permettez dans mon salon ”海倫低聲地說,然而皮埃爾不回答她的話,他從房里走出動了。

Lord layard ' s latest book has a much jauntier image on its cover : a “ happy eccentric ” with a fez on his head , a monocle in his eye and a bunch of flowers in his hand 萊亞德勛爵的新書的封面上有一個更加神氣活現的形象:一個幸福的怪人頭戴小圓紅帽,戴著單片眼鏡,手上拿著一束鮮花。

Famed actor wu chia - hsiang directed dramas , fantasies , romances , and this jaunty , exciting , swashbuckling tale of a chinese robin hood who fought evil warlords decades ago 劇力迫人,大俠岳華,影后李菁主演!包得成岳華精技擊,以?面盜身份劫富濟貧,與官府作對!

The jaunty infantry - officerthe one who had run out of tushins shanty just before the battlewas laid on matvyevnas carriage with a bullet in his stomach 那名在戰前曾經從圖申的茅棚中飛快跑出來的英姿勃勃的步兵軍官,腹部中了一顆子彈,躺在馬特維夫娜大炮的拖車上。

Famed actor wu chia - hsiang directed dramas , fantasies , romances , and this jaunty , exciting , swashbuckling tale of a chinese robin hood who fought evil . . 偵緝處長馬步云之子千里陳鴻烈工心計,設計誘捕包,其間戀上. .

Then he had been a jaunty , gay , self - confident old gentleman , now he seemed a pitiful , bewildered creature 那時候,他是一個精神抖擻愉快自信的長者,現在看來可憐和不知所措。

A jaunty and likeable character , sammy was held in genuine affection by team - mates and supporters alike 他幫組阿森納獲得了1979年的足總杯并代表北愛爾蘭國家隊出場50多次。

Carrie had thought of going for a walk , and had put on a light grey woollen dress with a jaunty double - breasted jacket 她已穿上淡灰羊毛女裝,外罩一件時髦的雙排扣上裝。

Spanish people are very jaunty and tropical that almost all of the women can dance the flamenco 西班牙人非常的活潑與熱情,幾乎所有的西班牙女郎都懂佛朗明哥舞。

Perhaps i shall even use it to tap a jaunty tune on cyrus ` s tombstone 也許我應該用它在塞勒斯的墓碑上敲擊出一段動人的旋律來。

With patience lenehan waited for boylan with impatience , for jingle jaunty blazes boy 給吃飯的客人預備的陳啤酒53 。

“ as jaunty as if he had won his first national championship . . “跟贏得第一座全國冠軍獎杯一樣開心”

“ as jaunty as if he had won his first national championship “跟贏得第一座全國冠軍獎杯一樣開心”

Close the ranks ! rang out the jaunty voice of the captain 可以聽見連長夸耀的嗓音: “靠攏! ”

Jingle jaunty . too late . she longed to go 太遲啦144她巴望著去。

Jingle jaunty jingle . girlgold she read and did not glance 金發女侍看著書,連睬都不睬。