
jaunt vi.作短途游覽。 jaunting car (愛爾蘭的...


Encore , enclap , said , cried , clapped all , ben dollard , lydia douce , george lidwell , pat , mina , two gentlemen with two tankards , cowley , first gent with tank and bronze miss douce and gold miss mina . blazes boylan s smart tan shoes creaked on the barfloor , said before . jingle by monuments of sir john gray , horatio onehandled nelson , reverend father theobald matthew , jaunted as said before just now 本多拉德莉迪亞杜絲喬治利德維爾帕特米娜172 ,面前擺著兩只大酒杯的紳士考利擁著大酒杯的第一位紳士還有褐發女侍杜絲小姐和金發女侍米娜小姐,個個不住他說啊,叫喚啊,拍手啊。

Angel felt that he would like to spend a day with her before the wedding , somewhere away from the dairy , as a last jaunt in her company while they were yet mere lover and mistress ; a romantic day , in circumstances that would never be repeated ; with that other and greater day beaming close ahead of them 安琪爾覺得,在舉行婚禮之前,他想和苔絲一起到奶牛場以外的某個地方玩一天,他作她的情夫,讓她陪著他,做他的情婦,享受最后一次短途旅行這會是浪漫的一天,這種情形是不會重現的而另一個更偉大的日子正在他們的面前閃耀著光彩。

Although they ' ve both been around the royal circle awhile , middleton is invited - - while chelsea is not - - to family weddings , family skiing vacations , and family jaunts to the horse races , even when william isn ' t around 雖然她們兩人都涉足王室社交圈有一陣子了,但密道頓常應邀參加家族婚禮、滑雪度假、家族外出賽馬,甚至威廉王子不在時亦然;雀兒西則否。

I just returned from an eighteen - day jaunt around italy with my wife ; the trip gave me a nice break from the academic environment and some time to think without having a computer screen in front of me , demanding attention 這次旅行使我從學術氛圍中脫離出來,獲得了一次極好的放松機會,在這段時間中,我的眼前不再有計算機屏幕時刻牽制著我的注意力。

The momentum flings the 18 - seater train into a 90 degree climb to a height of 139 meters , followed by a vertical plunge through a three - quarter spiral and a final jaunt over a 39 - meter high “ camel hump 這股動力將十八個座位的列車,以九十度爬升角,沖上一百三十九公尺,經過翻轉四分之三,再垂直陡降,最后慢速通過三十九公尺高的駝峰。

Mrs durbeyfield s jacket and bonnet were already hanging slily upon a chair by her side , in readiness for this contemplated jaunt , the reason for which the matron deplored more than its necessity 德北菲爾德太太的衣服和帽子掛在她身邊的一把椅子上,已經為這趟計劃中的外出準備好了,這位家庭主婦感到傷心的理由并不是她必須出這趟門。

And he got them out as quick as he could , jack power and crofton or whatever you call him and him in the middle of them letting on to be all at sea up with them on the bloody jaunting car 他就盡快地催他們出去了杰克鮑爾和克羅夫頓或隨便你叫他什么吧,把那家伙夾在中間,假裝出一副茫然的樣子,擠上了那輛該死的二輪輕便馬車。

They re mad for clothes . and boys the same . the lads spend every penny on themselves , clothes , smoking , drinking in the miners welfare , jaunting off to sheffield two or three times a week 她們對一于衣裳裝飾品顛狂的,男孩們也是一樣:他們找的錢全都花在他們自己身上:衣服,煙,酒,一星期兩三次跑到雪非爾德去胡鬧。

In fact , getting a full set of the colorful cachets alone will make all your jaunts down here more than worthwhile 希望齊集三色紀念印的朋友,不妨考慮一下每日都前來捧場一趟。

But look this way , he said , rose of castille . jingle jaunted by the curb and stopped “可是朝這邊望望吧, ”他說, “你這朵卡斯蒂利亞的玫瑰67 。 ”

But picking up for a jaunt to another continent isn ' t practical for most of us 不過,選擇去往另一個大陸的遠行對多數我們來說都是不切實際的。

Head out on any of these do - it - yourself jaunts and you ll be amazed by what you see 以下介紹的觀光熱點,各有姿采,肯定令您樂在其中。

Jingling on supple rubbers it jaunted from the bridge to ormond quay 馬車那柔軟的膠皮轱轆從橋上轔轔地馳向奧蒙德碼頭。

Ethereal jaunt . you become ethereal for 1 round / level 以太漫步:你在1輪/等級時間內變為靈體生物。

Who, on a sunday jaunt to the shore or mountains, has not pitied some self-employed drudge ? 哪一個星期天到海濱或山上去游覽的人不同情那些辛辛苦苦的個體經營者呢?