
jaundice n.1.【醫學】黃疸;黃疸癥〔如肝炎〕。2.妒忌,猜忌;...


Objective to study the clinical characteristics and treatment of clonochiasis sinensis patients with jaundice 摘要目的總結伴有黃疸的華支睪吸蟲病的臨床特點及治療方法。

Have your ever had jaundice ( low grade fever , any chronic ailments , cold sweats at night , attacks of asthma ) 你有過黃疸(發低燒,任何慢性病,夜間出冷汗,哮喘發作)嗎

Jaundice is a yellowing of the eyes and skin caused by impairment in bile flow from the liver to the intestine 黃疸是由于膽汁從肝臟流入腸道受阻所導致的眼和皮膚黃染。

Jaundice is a yellowing of the eyes and skin caused by impairment in bile flow from the lier to the intestine 黃疸是由于膽汁從肝臟流入腸道受阻所導致的眼和皮膚黃染。

Abstract : objective : to search for a kind of suitable animal model for studying of the refractory jaundice 文摘:目的:為難治性黃疸研究找到一種較為合適的動物模型。

At the same time , the urine also gets darker , almost like tea . this is called jaundice 如病程轉壞,皮膚和眼白會變黃,小便顏色加深,就像茶一樣顏色,稱為黃疸。

In children , jaundice and cirrhosis are responsible for more than half of the need for liver transplantation 兒童黃疸和肝硬化是造成半數以上需要肝臟移植的原因。

Impaired bile flow , or cholestasis , commonly known as jaundice , can lead to severe liver disease 膽汁流出障礙、或膽汁淤積,通常叫做黃疸,可導致嚴重的肝臟疾病。

In children , jaundice and cirrhosis are responsible for more than half of the need for lier transplantation 兒童黃疸和肝硬化是造成半數以上需要肝臟移植的原因。

Malignant obstructive jaundice is commonly treated by insertion of metallic stents in recent years 摘要惡性腫瘤阻塞所引起的黃疸在近年來常使用金屬支架作治療。

Impaired bile flow , or cholestasis , commonly known as jaundice , can lead to seere lier disease 膽汁流出障礙、或膽汁淤積,通常叫做黃疸,可導致嚴重的肝臟疾病。

The impact of breast and formula milk on the development of gastric emptying and the jaundice in preterm neonates 不同奶方喂養對早產兒胃排空及黃疸的影響

Clinical observation on neonatal jaundice treated mainly by the therapy of clearing heat and removing dampness 清熱利濕法為主治療新生兒黃疸臨床療效觀察

“ you ' re back ! “ said lily and cast a jaundiced eye on him . “ what do you want this time ? “你回來啦! “莉莉討厭地朝他看了一眼說, “你這次來想要什么啊?

Gaucher disease can result in pain , fatigue , jaundice , bone damage , anemia , and even death 戈謝病會導致疼痛、疲勞、黃疸、骨髓的破壞、貧血甚至死亡。

The effect of endoscopic nasobiliary drainageon prognosis of elder patients withsevere obstructive jaundice 內鏡下鼻膽引流對老年梗阻性黃膽予后的影響

Changes and significance of small intestine mesenteric microcirculation in rats with obstructive jaundice 梗阻性黃疸大鼠小腸腸系膜微循環變化及意義

Breastfeeding should be continued if your baby is jaundiced , or if he is under phototherapy 有黃疸或正接受光線療法的嬰兒應該繼續以母乳喂哺。

Hepatitis a is one type of viral hepatitis , usually lead to acute hepatitis and jaundice 甲型肝炎是病毒性肝炎的一種,通常引起急性肝炎及黃疸。