
jasper n.賈斯珀〔男子名〕。


Jasper is found in many countries 許多國家都可發現風景瑪瑙。

It ' s not an option ! [ jasper ] i ' m trying to defuse this situation -不行! -我是想解決目前的困境

No . it ' s okay , jasper . you didn ' t know 沒事,賈斯佩你還不知道

Jasper , youjust watch the front here . iris , the cell block 賈斯帕,你守住前面愛麗斯,你守牢房入口

[ jasper ] come on ! hang on ! goddamn it 拜托!堅持住!該死的!

Jasper was also believed to cure gynecological problems 給于佩戴者智慧,并保佑他們能干和健康。

Jaspers and heidegger unification and divergence of philosophical thinking 哲學思想的一致與分歧

It ' s not an option ! jasper i ' m trying to defuse this situation -不行! -我是想解決目前的困境

Jasper bracelet 8mm natural jasper 紅碧玉開運手環8mm天然紅碧玉

All right . jasper - - no . no , no , no , no . i appreciate it 好吧,賈斯佩- -不,不,不,不,非常感謝

All right . jasper - no . no , no , no , no . i appreciate it 好吧,賈斯佩-不,不,不,不,非常感謝

Anthropologic explanation of jaspers ' s existentialist philosophy 雅斯貝爾斯生存觀的人類學詮釋

A study on jaspers ' p . e . and sport thoughts 雅斯貝斯體育思想之研究

We already decided . i talked to jasper and kile 不是已經有決定了嗎?我跟詹斯泊和凱爾談過了

“ jasper and amos shine the flashlight into the hole “加斯帕和阿莫斯點亮了閃光燈,照進了洞口

Jesus , jasper . why do you have to . 老天,嘉士伯你為什么一定要. ?

Chiu chow cuisine by chefs from the golden gulf jasper hotel 金海灣酒店潮州美食進駐帝苑酒店

Emerald sea , sardius ground , jasper sky to bleach 翡翠之海,瑪瑙的大地,漂白那碧玉色的天空。

Jesus , jasper . why do you have to . . . 上帝啊詹斯泊你干嗎非要. . . ?