
jason n.1.賈森〔男子名〕。2.【希臘神話】伊阿宋〔忒薩利亞...


Jason : i ' m from australia . which city do you live in 我來自澳洲.你在美國的哪個城市居住

Vaughn , you and nadia do the same for jason cahill 沃恩,你和娜蒂婭來查詹森?卡西爾的

Jason : come on ! and i ' ll clean up my room tomorrow 不要這樣嘛!我明天還會打掃房間哦!

Victor : yeah ! maybe jason has your name , “ sandy “ 是啊!珊蒂,說不定杰森是你的小天使呢

Jason : i went to japan with my family in july 杰森:我七月跟家人去日本。

Jason ! turn the tv off and pull up a seat 杰森!關掉電視再拉把椅子過來。

Jason was annoying me , so i clocked him one 杰森煩我,于是我打了他一下。

Jason : do you want to play on a team with us 你想不想和我們一起組隊打球

Jason is talking to his class leader , julia 詹森正和他的班長朱莉婭說話。

Jason : oh no ! not again ! what ' s wrong with me this time 不會吧!這次我又哪犯錯了呢

Jason is putting on his jacket and going out the door 杰森放好他的外套正往門外走去

Objective is quite simple . locate jason cahill 目標很簡單找到詹森?卡西爾

A : your name is jason . have i got that right 你的名字叫杰森。我有記錯嗎?

Jason , sandy and victor are talking at lunch 杰森,珊蒂和維特在午餐時聊天

Just make sure jason ' s waiting for him 你們只要能保證杰森在等著他就行了

That jason kept returning from his grave . . 杰森不停地從他的墳墓里回來. .

Jason wants to play guitar like a bad dude 賈森希望能非常嫻熟地演奏吉他。

Jason , victor and sandy are eating lunch at school 杰森,維特和珊蒂在學校一起吃中餐

Jason , could you be a doll and come in here 杰森,能不能學洋娃娃到這兒來?