
jasmine n.1.【植物;植物學】素馨;茉莉。2.類似素馨的植物〔...


Come on , dad . i can ' t wait for you to meet jasmine and the sultan 快來呀,爸我等不及帶你見茉莉跟國王

Jasmine needs a full - time parent 茉莉需要一對全職的父母

But i got you some jasmine 但是我給你拿來了一些茉莉花茶

Jasmine . - you should see his eyes 茉莉-你該瞧瞧他的眼睛

Jasmine ansers - a chinese search engine 茉莉之窗中文搜索器

- jasmine . - you should see his eyes -茉莉-你該瞧瞧他的眼睛

Would you care to try the jasmine tea 你想試試茉莉花茶嗎?

I saw you and venus with jasmine 我看見你和維納斯跟茉莉一塊

I have to go back . jasmine is there 我一定要回去茉莉在等我

You have violated the perimeter of the aladdin and jasmine wedding 緊急呼叫阿拉丁和茉莉的婚禮進行

Daniel and jasmine are sitting alone in the park one night 一天晚上,丹尼爾和賈斯敏單獨坐在公園。

Filter coffee . and jasmine tea also 過濾咖啡。還有茉莉花茶。

Notify me of updates to jasmine candy 茉莉花邦邦糖更新時通知我

Lilies and jasmines surge up on the crest of the waves of light 百合與茉莉在光波的浪花上翻涌。

Product information singer name : jasmine leong 出品商:得利影視hk

The jasmine ' s lisping of love to the sun is her flowers 茉莉呢喃著用花朵來表達對太陽的愛戀。

Yellow jasmine means “ i want to be everything for you “ 黃色的茉莉花表示我可以為你貢獻一切

Jasmine : i know ! we ' ll play a game 賈斯敏:我知道!我們來玩個游戲吧。

The jasmine sighed , “ alas , “ and dropped to the groud 茉莉花“唉”地嘆息一聲,便飄落在地。