
jarvis n.賈維斯〔男子名〕。


The complexity of runtime is the least in the worst instance . other algorithm , for example jarvis method , get better result in some instance , but runtime complexity is o ( n2 ) in the worst instance 根據統計表明,在一般的情況下點集的點并不都是凸包的頂點,這時候,傳統的經典算法的復雜度也是o ( nlogn ) 。

Ms . jarvis persuaded her mother ' s church in grafton , west virginia to celebrate mother ' s day on the second anniversary of her mother ' s death , the 2nd sunday of may 佳維斯小姐說服了位于格來夫頓的她母親的教會以及西弗吉尼亞在五月的第二個星期天,即安娜母親逝世后的第二個紀念日慶祝母親節。

Jarvis persuaded her mother ' s church in grafton , west virginia to celebrate mother ' s day on the second anniversary of her mother ' s death , the 2nd sunday of may 在西弗吉尼亞的格拉夫頓,賈維斯說服了她母親的教堂,在她母親去世2周年的紀念日那一天慶祝母親節,即五月的第二個星期天。

Jarvis persuaded her mother ' s church in grafton , west virginia to celebrate mother ' s day on the second a iversary of her mother ' s death , the 2nd sunday of may 在西弗吉尼亞的格拉夫頓,賈維斯說服了她母親的教堂,在她母親去世2周年的紀念日那一天慶祝母親節,即五月的第二個星期天。

These things were within mr . jarvis lorry s knowledge , thoughts , and notice , when he rang the door - bell of the tranquil house in the corner , on the fine sunday afternoon 這個晴朗的星期日下午,在賈維斯.羅瑞撳著這個街角小屋的門鈴時,上述種種他都知道想到,也都注意到。

Jarvis persuaded her mother ' s church in grafton , west virginia to celebrate mother ' s day on the second anniversary of her mother ' s death , the 2nd sunday of may 賈維斯女士說服西弗吉尼亞州格拉夫頓她母親的教會在她母親逝世兩周年紀念日5月的第二個星期日,慶祝母親節。

Ms . jarvis persuaded her mother ' s church in west virginia to celebrate mother ' s day on the second anniversary of her mother ' s death , the 2nd sunday of may 賈維斯小姐勸說位于西弗吉尼亞州的教堂,在她母親去世第二年紀念日的那天慶祝母親節,也就是5月的第二個星期天。

Yielding to his own disturbance of mind , and to his young companion s agitation , which became greater every instant , mr . jarvis lorry twice stopped to rest 羅瑞因為心緒不寧,也因為他年輕的同伴越來越激動,曾兩次停下腳步來休息,每次都在一道凄涼的柵欄旁邊。

Mr . jarvis lorry and miss manette , emerging from the wine - shop thus , joined monsieur defarge in the doorway to which he had directed his other company just before 羅瑞先生和曼內特小姐就這樣從酒店走了出來,在德伐日先生剛才對那幾個人指出的門口跟他會合了。

Jarvis products corporation is the world ' s largest producer of meat and poultry processing equipment in the world ! we have 13 subsidiaries in the whole world 美國查維斯是世界上最大的肉食品及禽類加工機械生產商,總部在美國,并在13個國家設有分公司。

In the 1957 gentleman ' s final , a mrs . helen jarvis invaded the court , shouting and waving a banner calling for a new world banking system 在1957年的男單決賽中,一位名叫海倫賈維斯的女士突然闖進球場,在場內為呼吁建立新的世界銀行體系搖旗吶喊。

In the 1957 gentleman ' s final , a mrs . helen jarvis invaded the court , shouting and waving a banner calling for a new world banking system 在1957年的男單決賽中,一位名叫海倫?賈維斯的女士突然闖進球場,在場內為呼吁建立新的世界銀行體系搖旗吶喊。

Jarvis and others began a letter - writing campaign to ministers , businessmen , and politicians in their quest to establish a national mother ' s day 賈維斯和其他人開始向部長們、生意人和政治家進行寫信游說,尋求確立一個全國范圍的母親節。

Ms . jarvis and her supporters began to write to ministers , businessman , and politicians in their quest to establish a national mother ' s day 佳維斯小姐和她的支持者開始寫信給大臣們,商人,和政客,要求他們設立全國性的母親節。

Jarvis and others began a letter - writing campaign to ministers , businessmen , and politicians in their quest to establish a national mother ' s day 賈維斯和其它人開始給部長,商人,以及政治家們寫信,要求建立全國性的母親節。

Jarvis and others began a letter - writing campaign to ministers , busine men , and politicia in their quest to establish a national mother ' s day 賈維斯和其它人開始給部長,商人,以及政治家們寫信,要求建立全國性的母親節。

It is thought to be originated in grafton , west virginia , in 1908 when anna jarvis observed the anniversary of her mother ' s death 據說它起源于1908年,當時西弗吉尼亞州格拉夫頓的安娜-賈維斯紀念她母親去世一周年的日子。

Jarvis persuaded her mother ' s church in grafton , west virginia to celebrate mother ' s day on the anniversary of her mother ' s death 賈維斯勸說位于西弗吉尼亞州格拉夫頓市的她母親的教堂在他母親逝世周年紀念時慶祝母親節。

In the u . s . , in 1908 ana jarvis , from grafton , west virginia , began a campaign to establish a national mother ' s day 在美國,在1908年,來自西弗吉尼亞州格拉夫頓市安娜?賈維斯開始從事活動,以確立一個全國范圍的母親節。