
jarl n.【歷史】古代北歐的首領,貴族。


In this paper , various kinds of identity - authentication schemes are analyzed and compared , and the individual identity - authentication scheme is designed to meet the requirement of the jarl mis , which was based on fingerprint identification technology , digital signature technology and id technology . the design is also realized in the registration management system by fingerprint 本文通過對各種身份認證方案進行綜合的分析和比較,并結合監獄指紋點名管理系統對身份認證方案的具體要求,設計了基于指紋識別、數字簽名及智能卡技術于一體的個人身份認證方案,并將它在監獄指紋點名管理系統中予以實現。

Just received jarl ' s jcc 600 ( all cw ) # 17 certificate ( see attaching picture ) . a small gun ( barefoot and wire dipole ) together with persistence do achieve the goal 剛收到日本陸佰城市全報務獎狀(見附圖) 。只需輕裝備( 100瓦特及偶極子天線)和意志耐力便能達至目標。