
jargon n.1.行話;黑話,隱語。2.難懂的話,莫名其妙的話。3...


Aye is scottish for yes . it is also used in navy / military jargon where it means affirmative 意思是蘇格蘭語的“是” 。也是軍事用語中“遵命”的意思。在現實生活中用的并不多。

Who would have thought it possible to cram quite so many clich s and pieces of jargon into such a short space 誰會想到會有人在這么短的篇幅中,塞入這么多陳詞濫調呢?

Their ideas are exactly the same as twenty years ago ; only the jargon has changed . mutton dressed as lamb 他們的思想觀點確實和20年前一樣,只是用語變了,換湯不換藥。

Another great resource for new users of linux or unix is the jargon file also known by some as 對于linux或unix的新用戶,還有一份極好的參考資料jargon文件(有人稱之為

The only magazine in the waiting room was a scientific journal full of technical jargon way above my head 候診室里唯一的雜志是一份全是術語的科學期刊,我看不懂。

The view plug - in i created , which is illustrated in figure 2 , defines a view in the eclipse jargon 我創建的view插件(如圖2所示)用eclipse行話定義了一個視圖。

It ' s really important to remember to speak clearly and slowly with the least amount of medical jargon 記住表述清晰而緩慢,盡量少的使用醫學術語是十分重要的。

It has to do with what ' s known as type - in traffic , or , in wall street jargon , direct navigation 你必須懂得如何引導直接鍵入的訪問,或者象華爾街術語所說的?

To use the jargon of economists and lawyers , corporate charters are “ incomplete contracts “ 套用經濟學家或律師的行話就是,公司章程是“不完整的合約” 。

The exception would be if you know your target audience will understand some jargon 但是,也有例外:如果目標用戶理解這個術語,那么說明中可以使用。

Our business is infested with idiots who try to impress by using pretentious jargon 我們這一行有群自命不凡的白癡,愛使用專業術語以吸引大眾目光。

Avoid jargon . any word you don ' t read regularly in a newspaper is suspect 避免使用行話。任何那些你在報紙中不經常讀到的詞都是令人懷疑的。

This fact is often expressed in the physics jargon as “ energy levels repel each other . 用物理術語來說,這一事實常稱為“能級的相斥” 。

Listeners react negatively to speeches loaded with slang , jargon , and bad grammar 聽眾對充滿俚語、行話、和語法錯誤的降價反映消極。

Listeners react negatively to speeches loaded with slang , jargon , and bad grammar 聽眾對充滿俚語、行話、和語法錯誤的講話反應消極。

Although specialized terms can be used , pretentious jargon should be avoided 雖然專業術語可以被使用,自抬身價的行話應該被避免。

At its simplest , this means avoiding corporate - speak and industry jargon 說簡單一些,就是要避開那些類似發表演說一樣的專業用語。

Learn more than you ever wanted to know about tail recursion from the jargon file 的知識,您可以從中學到比您曾想學到的更多。

Do not use jargon , unless you are certain that your audience understands it 盡量不使用行話,除非你確信你的聽眾能夠接受。