
jar vi.(-rr-)1.發出刺耳的聲音,軋軋作響。2.給人...


Swimming provides a good workout for the heart and lungs without jarring or putting an undue strain on any part of the body . 游泳可以給心臟和肺部提供一種好的體育鍛煉,而不致刺激人體任何部位或在任何部位產生一種不適當的勞損。

The 1912 battery had 12 small cells, each consisting of three plates in a small hard rubber jar with a soft rubber cover . 1912年的那只蓄電池有12個單體,每個單體由三片極板組成,裝在小的帶軟膠蓋的硬橡膠殼內。

So soon as we were seated an earthenware jar was passed round containing a fermented fluid of by no means unpleasant taste . 我們剛剛坐好,一只裝滿了發過酵的液體的罐子便沿圈子傳開了。這液體聞著怪香的。

He had hardly deemed her a woman, wingless and earthly, subject to household conditions and domestic jars . 他幾乎沒把她看作是一個普通的女人:沒長翅膀,屬于塵世,在繁瑣俗務的和家庭的齟齬中間生活。

Still the images of the vision she despised jarred and distressed her like painful and cruel cries . 然而,她所輕視的這幻景的形象,仍然象痛苦而殘酷的呼喚那樣,折磨著她,刺激著她。

Regardless of the formula, the milled load in the jars must be adjusted so that it is neither too thin nor too thick . 不論配方如何,罐中的研磨料必須調整至既不太稀也不得太稠。

Use a filter funnel and paper to filter the mixture of copper sulphate, sand and water into a second jar . 用過濾漏斗和過濾紙把硫酸銅、砂子和水的混合物過濾到另一個廣口瓶里。

He caught up a jar and a small spoon, and began ladling snuff into his nose in most excessive quantities . 他抓起一個瓶子和一把小匙,把大量的鼻煙往自己的鼻子里塞進去。

I think that, henceforth, nothing but some extraordinary jarring of that chord could renew it . 我以為今后除了那心弦受了某種非常的震撼,沒有什么能夠使它復發的。

Historians like jared sparks and george bancroft were celebrating the growth of american democracy . 斯帕克斯和班克羅夫特等歷史學者,歌頌的是美國民主的發展。

Admire each other as we might at a distance, still we jarred when we came very near . 我們也許會在遠處彼此愛慕,可是,我們一走得十分靠近,就會沖突起來。

That electricity from a leyden jar or an electric machine would cause the legs of a dead frog to move . 萊頓瓶或電器發出來的電竟使死蛙的腿動起來。

I was jarred and shocked by the style, the clear, clean sweeping sentence . 書中的文體,那些條理清楚,無懈可擊,氣勢磅礴的句子,使我大為震驚。

You 're to spoon the tomatoes into the jars , mary , and jack is to spoon out bowls of porridge . 瑪麗,你把番茄舀進罐子里,賈克用匙子舀粥。

It was the tone of mary's voice when she spoke to the native that jarred on him . 他聽見瑪麗同土人說起話來是這樣的一種聲調,怎能不惱火呢?

He landed with his companions, carrying with them a jar of wine for a present . 他和伙伴們一起登上小島,隨身帶著作為禮物的一壇美酒。

The living room was ablaze. the fire centered on a broken jar on the floor . 起居室著了火,地上有個破罐子,火焰在它的周圍熊熊燃燒。

The pykrete had suffered little damage and his elbows had been badly jarred . 派克里特沒有什么損傷,而他的雙肘卻被震得疼痛不堪了。

Jars of mixed pickles contain gherkins and pieces of cauliflower as well as onions . 混合泡菜壇子里裝有黃瓜、菜花片和洋蔥。