
japonica n.【植物;植物學】日本榲桲,日本山茶。


Genetic analysis and mapping of blast - resistance genes in japonica rice yunyin from yunnan province 粳稻云引抗稻瘟病基因的遺傳分析及其定位

A preliminary study on morphologic breeding of northern large - panicle type super japonica hybrid rice 北方大穗型超級雜交粳稻形態育種初探

The chemical constituents of essential oils in lonicera japonica thunb . from mixian in henan province 河南省密縣金銀花揮發油化學成分研究

Lampetra japonica could migrate to the yellow sea region and freshwater in jiangsu province 日本七鰓鰻可以遷移到黃海及江蘇省淡水中。

Effects of co2 enrichment on growth and physiological properties of sophora japonica l . seedlings 2氣肥對國槐幼苗生長與生理特性的影響

Spectrophotometric methods to determine the total triterpenes in eriobotrya japonica thumb . lindl 分光光度法測定枇杷葉總三萜物質含量

Grey relational analysis on main agronomic characters of japonica rice varieties in yunnan plateau 高原粳稻主要性狀的灰色關聯度分析

Pathogen identification and biological characteristics of leaf spot on zoysia japonica 日本結縷草葉斑病病原鑒定及其生物學特性研究

The new varieties of japonica rice developed in the japonica rice center yaas 云南省農科院粳稻育種中心育成的粳稻新品系及栽培要點

Studies on the chemical constituents from rabdosia japonica burm . f . hara var . glaucocalyx maxim . hara 藍萼香茶菜化學成分的研究

Effects of tea polyphenols on hyperlipidemia and fatty liver of coturnix japonica 茶多酚對高脂鵪鶉的血脂和肝細胞貯脂水平的影響

Studies on chemical constituents in the roots of rabdosia japonica burm . f . hara var . glaucocalyx hara 香茶菜的免疫藥理作用研究

Study on comparative anatomy of vegetative organs of main populations of zoysia japonica 結縷草主要居群營養器官比較解剖學研究

Effect of pretreatment with freezhing on carbonization of sugi cryptomeria japonica sapwood 冷凍處理對日本柳杉邊材炭化的影響

Effect of japonica hybrid f1 plant type on yield traits and its relationship with restorer 1株型對產量的影響及與恢復系的關系

An investigation of main weeds on zoysia japonica turf in beibei district of chongqing 重慶市北碚區結縷草草坪主要雜草的調查

Introduction of some japanese japonica hybrid rice into the north of zhejiang province 幾個日本雜交粳稻在浙北的試種表現

Countermeasure and development of industry of she county eriobotrya japonica thunb . lindl 歙縣枇杷產業化的發展與對策

Study on extraction process for bergenin from ardisia japonica thanb . bl . qingfei granule 清肺顆粒紫金牛提取工藝研究