
japheth n.【圣經】雅弗〔挪亞(Noah)三個兒子中的幼子〕。


[ bbe ] and shem and japheth took a robe , and putting it on their backs went in with their faces turned away , and put it over their father so that they might not see him unclothed 于是閃和雅弗、拿件衣服搭在肩上、倒退著進去、給他父親蓋上、他們背著臉就看不見父親的赤身。

On that very day noah and his sons , shem , ham and japheth , together with his wife and the wives of his three sons , entered the ark 就在那一天,挪亞帶著他的兒子閃、含、雅弗,以及他的妻子和三個兒媳,一同進了方舟。

Some even associated them with shem , ham and japheth - the three sons of noah - thus with asia , africa , and europe 一些甚至把他們與閃,含和雅弗聯系在一起? ?諾亞的三個兒子? ?從而是代表亞洲,非洲和歐洲。

[ bbe ] may god make japheth great , and let his living - place be in the tents of shem , and let canaan be his servant 愿上帝使雅弗擴展;使雅弗在閃的帳棚里居住;愿迦南做他的奴仆。

Noah was the father of shem , ham , and japheth , from whom the entire human race is supposed to have descended 他是閃、含和雅弗的父親,整個人類種族再由諾亞三子繁衍下來。

May god make japheth great , and let his living - place be in the tents of shem , and let canaan be his servant 愿神使雅弗擴張、使他住在閃的帳棚里又愿迦南作他的奴仆。

Gen 10 : 2 the sons of japheth ; gomer , and magog , and madai , and javan , and tubal , and meshech , and tiras 創10 : 2雅弗的兒子是歌篾,瑪各,瑪代,雅完,土巴,米設,提拉。

God shall enlarge japheth , and he shall dwell in the tents of shem ; and canaan shall be his servant 27愿神使雅弗擴張,使他住在閃的帳棚里,又愿迦南作他的奴仆。

The sons of japheth ; gomer , and magog , and madai , and javan , and tubal , and meshech , and tiras 代上1 : 5雅弗的兒子是歌篾、瑪各、瑪代、雅完、土巴、米設、提拉。

May god enlarge japheth , and let him dwell in the tents of shem , and let canaan be his servant 27愿神使雅弗擴張,使他住在閃的帳棚里;又愿迦南作他的奴仆。

The sons of noah who came out of the ark were shem , ham and japheth . ( ham was the father of canaan 18出方舟挪亞的兒子就是閃,含,雅弗。含是迦南的父親。

The sons of japheth ; gomer , and magog , and madai , and javan , and tubal , and meshech , and tiras 2雅弗的兒子是歌篾,瑪各,瑪代,雅完,土巴,米設,提拉。

Gen 6 : 10 and noah begat three sons , shem , ham , and japheth 創6 : 10挪亞生了三個兒子,就是閃,含,雅弗。

He had three sons , shem , ham and japheth 他有三個兒子:閃、含、和雅弗。

And noah had three sons , shem , ham , and japheth 挪亞生了三個兒子閃、含、雅弗。

Noah had three sons , shem , ham and japheth 挪亞有三個兒子,就是閃,含和亞弗。