
japanese adj.1.日本的;日本人的。2.日語的。n.(sing...

japanese andromeda

Lechenko understood that japanese do not grant friendship casually . 列夫欽科知道,日本人從不輕易施人以友誼。

He submitted just as two of the japanese gentlemen gave tongue . 他只好順從,恰巧有兩位日本紳士同時都開了口。

It must buck centuries-old, deeply ingrained japanese customs . 它必須突破世代相傳,深入肌理的日本風俗習慣。

The japanese educational system seems to serve these needs well . 日本的教育制度似乎很有效地滿足了這些需要。

Most americans have been exposed to the aesthetic of japanese design . 大部分美國人已經感受到日本設計的美。

It is common knowledge that zhang zoulin was murdered by the japanese . 人盡皆知,張作霖是被日本人謀殺的。

First, invariably, the japanese firms made a big deal about “meaning“ . 首先日本的公司一貫地強調“信念”。

At four in the afternoon the first wave of japanese bombers came over . 下午4點,第一批日本轟炸機出現了。

The work group is the basic building block of japanese organizations . 工作小組是日本組織的基本結構單元。

The japanese machine gun raked through the bush at them . 日本人的機槍在矮樹叢里來回掃射,不肯放過他們。

Roosevelt promised to use diplomacy to stop japanese immigration . 羅斯福答應通過外交途徑停止日本移民。

By september, the backbone of japanese resistance had been broken . 到了九月,日軍抵抗的主力已經崩潰。

In the imperial japanese fleet it was suicidal effrontery . 在日本帝國艦隊中,這是自殺性的膽大妄為。

The japanese had shown prime combat and logistical ability . 日本人已經顯示了出色的戰斗和后勤能力。

Japanese farmers give adamant support for import restrictions . 日本農業主對限制進口表示堅決支持。

Most of the students of our class take japanese as an elective course . 我們班大部分同學選修日語。

He could not shake the death of the japanese prisoner . 那日本俘虜的死纏住了他,怎么也排遺不開。

This episode marked the end of the japanese offensive surge . 這個插曲標志著日本攻勢高潮的終結。

The japanese team accumulated four points with one win and two losses . 日本隊積四分,一勝兩負。