
japan n.日本,日本國〔亞洲〕。 the Japan Curr...

japan allspice

Some of the cats he painted are still shown to travellers in japan . 他所畫的一些貓現在仍然在日本向游客們展出。

The rot set in when we lost that important customer in japan . 我們失去了日本的那家重要客戶后,情況越來越糟了。

Japan set out to conquer the northeast, and chang's reverses began . 日本一開始征服東北,張學良的厄運就開始了。

Germany was in alliance with japan and italy during the second world war . 二次大戰時德國和日本、意大利聯盟。

Japan was in alliance with germany and italy during the second world war . 二次大戰中日本和德國、意大利結盟。

On aug. 6, 1945, a nuclear bomb was dropped on hiroshima, japan . 1945年8月6日,一顆原子彈投在日本的廣島。

Japan lost no face in adopting the methods of other societies . 日本沒有因采納其它社會的方法而丟失面子。

Such policies had worked brilliantly in postwar europe and japan . 這種政策在戰后的歐洲和日本成效卓著。

Failure of the demand greatly embittered public opinion in japan . 這一要求的落空,使日本輿論大為憤怒。

Unite to resist japan ! 聯合抗日!

China and japan are close neighbours separated only by a strip of water . 中國和日本是一衣帶水的近鄰。

He hopes to find the money to produce a film about japan . 他希望籌集到資金以便拍一部關于日本的影片。

Japan is galloping ahead in the race to develop new technologies . 日本在發展新技術的競爭中突飛猛進。

The ec-121 had been attacked and shot down over the sea of japan . 這架EC-121飛機在日本海上空被擊落。

Japan and the united states have been allies for over twenty years . 日本和美國成為盟國已有二十多年。

He was a merchant and he had been in business in japan for many years . 他是個商人,在日本經商多年。

The korean craftsmen took this artistic skill with them to japan . 朝鮮工匠把這種藝能帶到了日本。

In the east , our country adjoins korea and is close to japan . 我國東部跟朝鮮接壤,跟日本鄰近。

The world cup final was beamed live from britain to japan . 世界杯決賽從英國向日本作了實況轉播。