
jap adj.,n.〔常貶〕=1.Japan.2.Japane...


An gruff general asked , “ who ' d want to march into battle with a regiment of japs behind him ? 一個愛找碴兒的將軍問道: “敢問哪位愿意背后跟著一串日本佬去上陣? ”

The article has certain special value for jap , and helpful value for similar enterprices 本文既對江鈴車橋廠有特定的實用價值,又對類似企業具有一定的參考價值。

The jap say that “ the jap will mainten world peace “ , all american laugh : “ have you ever asked us ? 日本人說自己要維護世界和平,美國人民笑了:問你大爺我沒?

The us nuked the japs ? it must be the dummist joke ever heared . it ' s fake fake fake 美國會核平日本?這絕對是個天大的笑話。這是假的假的假的!

I extremely hate the rubbish country jap and everything of that fucking nation 迭戈說的不錯,但我卻是討厭日本和那個垃圾國家的一切!

Captain pajota , i understand your anger at what the japs did to your peopie today 帕塔上尉,我理解你對日本人今天對你人民暴行的憤怒

The jap say that “ china and japan are amity “ , all chinese laugh : “ who can cheat who ? 日本人說中日友好,中國人民笑了:誰騙的了誰?

The jap say that “ the jap love peace “ , all asian laugh : “ the cann ' t cheat us ! 日本人說自己愛和平,亞洲人民笑了:小丫騙的了誰?

I don ' t think so , sir . captain pajota said the japs reinforced the bridge iast night 恐怕不行,帕塔上尉說日本人昨晚加強了守衛

But if the japs have 300 men in the camp , wwe ' ll need everyone on the raid , 但如果戰俘營里有300日本人我們所有的人都要上才行

But if the japs have 300 men in the camp , we ' ii need everyone on the raid 但如果戰俘營里有300日本人我們所有的人都要上才行

The germans and the japs were going to have their little lookin , he affirmed 他斷言德國人和日本佬也會俟機而動150 。

I despise the goddamn japs 我最恨日本人!

250 japs at that camp 戰俘營本身有250名守軍

Even if the japs are retreating , the jungie ' s gonna be crawiing with ' em 就算日本人在撤退,叢林中還有無數鬼子

After the japs stoie my h - 1 design for their zeros . . 自從日本人竊取我的h - 1設計改造成他們自己的零式飛機后. .

After the japs stole my h - 1 design for their zeros . . 自從日本人竊取我的h - 1設計改造成他們自己的零式飛機后. .

Because of our advances , jap movements have become increasingiy fiuid - 因為我們的推進,日本人的行動大大加快

- good drink ? they have it in jap -好喝吧吉普里也有