
janus n.【羅馬神話】看守門戶的兩面神。


Jak2 is one of the janus kinase family . it participates in the jak - stat signal transduction and plays roles in signal transduction of many cytokins and growth factors such as growth hormone , il and gm - csf . it plays essential roles in cellular functions , i . e . cell proliferation and differentiation Jak2是janus激酶家族中的一員,參與jak - stat信號通路,介導諸如生長激素、白細胞介素、 gm - csf等細胞因子和生長因子的信號傳導,在細胞的增殖、分化等活動中起重要作用。

In the fifith part , the experiences of the european union will be discussed shortly and i will show the janus - faced character of its future 在第五部分里,筆者將提出對歐盟發展經驗的觀察詮釋與檢討,指出其具有的雙面性。

On september 15 , 2006 , cassini revealed a new diffuse ring at saturn , coincident with the orbits of janus and epimetheus 2006年9月15日,卡西尼號顯示出土星的一個新環,其軌道與土衛十和土衛十一相符。

Nearly a century has passed but the janus face of the weimar republic appals and attracts as much as ever 近一個世紀之后,魏瑪共和國的雅努斯之面仍然一如既往地既令人驚駭,又充滿魅惑。

In another example , the exterior boundary of saturn ' s a ring is in a 7 : 6 resonance with the satellites janus and epimetheus 又如,土星a環外圍粒子與土衛十及土衛十一成7 : 6共振。

We ' ll go to the priests of janus tomorrow first thing , 明早第一件事我們得去拜訪門神的牧師們

He ' s gone to make amends at the shrine of janus 他去了門神神殿補過懺悔了

Divine janus , we offer this feast to you 神圣的門神啊,我們把這個宴會獻給你