
january n.一月。 in January在一月里。 on Jan...

january effect

The first resolution approved by the general assembly, on 24 january 1964, sought the elimination of atomic weapons and other weapons of mass destruction . 一九六四年一月二十四日大會通過的第一項決議尋求取締原子武器和其它大規模毀滅性武器。

One january day in 1955 newspapers the world over used their blackest type to proclaim a murder that was a sensation on three continents . 一九五五年一月某日,世界各地的報紙都以最粗大的字體做標題,刊出了一件轟動三大洲的謀殺案。

On sultry nights in midsummer or on bitter january mornings we may question its efficiency even in our favored part of the world . 即使是世界上最適合人類居住的地方,在仲夏的悶熱之夜或隆冬的嚴寒之晨,它的效能也是成問題的。

In north africa in january 1943, the intelligence officer of the 10th panzer division reported on a “new american antitank weapon“ . 一九四三年一月,駐北非的第十裝甲師的情報官報告了“美國的一種新式反坦克武器”。

The first sign of this metamorphosis was wilson's appointment of louis d. brandeis to the supreme court on january 28, 1916 . 這一變化的第一跡象,是1916年1月28日威爾遜任命路易斯D布蘭代斯為最高法院法官。

The decision was made, and in january 1963 elliott flew out to beirut, armed with a former offer of immunity on k. phillby . 決定已經作出,1963年1月,埃利奧特帶著準備豁免菲爾比的正式建議飛往貝魯特。

By the middle of january i had a beard and the winter had settled into bright cold days and hard cold nights . 到了一月中旬,我的胡子留成了,這時冬季氣候已很穩定,天天是明亮寒冷的白晝,凜冽的寒夜。

While the fighting at cassino was at its zenith, on january 30, the vith corps at anzio made its first attack in strength . 當卡西諾的戰役正在高潮時,1月30日,在安齊奧的第六軍初次進行了猛烈的進攻。

Sweden started a one-year test in january 1979 on at least 300 vehicles using a fuel containing 15 per cent methanol . 瑞典從1979年1月開始了為期一年的試驗,至少有300輛汽車采用含15甲醇的燃料。

The day, a late january one, was inclined to be smoky with lowering clouds, especially within the environs of kansas city . 那是一月下旬的一天,煙霧迷蒙,云層很低,尤其是在堪薩斯市的四郊。

More important than all this was the decision taken in the third week of january about the man who was not going to stand . 更為重要的是,在一月的第三個星期,這個人作出了不參加競選的決定。

A special message to congress on january 31, 1908, sounded the keynote of a campaign for advanced national legislation . 1908年1月31日他給國會的特別咨文,賦有爭先進的全國立法運動的基調。

It became greatly agitated when germans bombarded fort san carlos and destroyed a venezuelan town in january 1903 . 1903年1月,當德國人轟炸圣卡洛斯堡并摧毀一個委內瑞拉市鎮時輿論大嘩。

Reading the tea leaves, my nsc staff at the end of january nevertheless experienced a flurry of hope . 一月底,我的國家安全委員會工作人員在審閱材料時,突然發現了一線希望。

I took off the gloves in the january 31 press conference when i announced the peace settlement in vietnam . 我在1月31日的記者招待會上宣布越南問題和平解決時就毫不客氣了。

Secretary hay concluded a treaty with the colombian charge, tomas herran, on january 22, 1903 . 海國務卿在1903年1月22日與哥倫比亞代辦托馬斯埃爾蘭簽訂了一條條約。

No doubt this was why our january agreement with japan came out so thin and trivial . 毫無疑問,這就是我們正月里同日本簽訂的協議內容這么空洞和浮泛的原因。

By the middle of january the russians were deeply perturbed, and raised the issue in berlin . 到1月中旬,俄國人非常焦灼不安,于是在柏林提出了這一問題。

On january 16, 1979, the shah left town, within a few weeks, the price of gas doubled . 1979年1月16日,伊郎國王出走了。幾個星期后,汽油價格上漲了一倍。