
janitor n.(fem. -tress)1.看門人,守門人。2.照...


Janitor : the zoo ! do you believe everything the zoo tells ya 動物園清潔工:動物園!動物園告訴你的所有的事你都信嗎?

Is it leave a message to hide leave a message janitor can see only after hiding 隱藏留言留言隱藏后只有管理員能看見

Others , e . g . telephone interviewers , tele - marketers & janitor etc 其他,例如電話調查員、電話直銷員、雜務員等。

A resident in the community comes to the janitor ' s room , looking worried 社區的一位居民神情焦慮地來到門衛室。

It ' s good to be a janitor ' s son 當守衛兒子真好

I ' m looking for a janitor 我們只是要請看門人罷了

A small job as janitor of a dance hall helped him for a month 在一家舞廳干一份看門的小差使幫他度過了一個月。

Wait . you ' re the janitor 等一下,你是那個看門的?

I ' m looking for a janitor . . 我們只是要請看門人罷了…

The janitor is very conscientious 那個管理員很認真。

Sort : specialty janitor the material 產品類別:門禁系列

Are you a janitor in a hospital 你是醫院的清潔工人嗎?

The janitor let off some steam because the pressure was too high 由于壓力過高,火爐工放掉了一些蒸氣。

A : i ’ m going to ask the janitor to wash the floors in the halfway 我要讓看門的把走廊的地板清洗一下。

A : i ' m going to ask the janitor to wash the floors in the halfway 我要讓看門的把走廊的地板清洗一下。

Unfortunately uncle yu , the janitor said : “ uncle deng is away . 可是傳達室的于叔叔說你鄧叔叔不在。

That anyone can be a janitor now 當一個看門人是很光榮的事

He ' s sensitive . you ' d think a janitor would be tougher 他太敏感了,你不認為一個看門的應該堅強點嗎

That janitor is a snail who never gets things done 那個照管房屋的人動作慢吞吞的,什麼事也做不成。