
janet n.珍妮特〔女子名,Jane的昵稱〕。


Janet said she would go for the party at approximately eight oclock 珍妮特說她大約8點去參加聚會。

Teresa , age 16 , is terry and janet ' s only child 16歲的翠麗莎,是特里和珍妮特唯一的心肝寶貝女兒。

Janet loves her job ; it ' s like a hobby to her 珍妮特很喜歡她的工作,工作對她來說就像一項愛好。

Pleased to meet you , mr . hart . i ' m janet white (很高興認識你,哈特先生。我叫珍妮特?懷特。 )

Janet had a bad cough all last week 珍妮特上星期一直咳得很厲害。

Janet jackson ' s new song is getting lot ' s of airplay 珍妮?杰克遜的新歌到處都在不斷的播放。

I met janet yesterday , and i ' m rather smitten with her 我昨天遇見了珍妮特,一下子就愛上她了

Janet asked an expert to assess the value of all her jewelry 珍妮請專家為她所有的珠寶估價。

Janet : honey , i don ' t know if he can do that 珍妮特:心肝寶貝女。我不知道他是否愿意那樣做。

Now , janet - janet runs a tight ship 現在珍妮特正駕駛著一艘棘手的船

Now , janet - - janet runs a tight ship 現在珍妮特正駕駛著一艘棘手的船

Janet and bob corresponded for many years before they met 珍妮特和鮑勃會面之前已通信多年。

You are altogether a human being , janet “你是十十足足的人嗎,簡?

Janet jackson ' s new song is getting lots of airplay 珍妮?杰克遜的新歌到處都在不斷地播放。

Janet wilson : first - name basis . excellent 詹妮特威爾遜:名字。很好。

If either david or janet come , they will want a drink 如果大衛或珍妮特來,他們就要喝酒。

Jeff . jeff , what ' s up ? what ' s up ? - lt ' s janet 杰夫,怎么了? -是珍妮特

- yo . janet had it bad , but i took care ofher . - 簡娜特每次吸得很多但是我每次給的都很小心

That ' s a sweater that i bought for janet for her birthday 那是我為珍妮特生日準備的毛線衫