
jane n.1.珍〔女子名,Joan(n)的異體〕。2.〔蔑、美...


Jane and rosa, what are you wasting your time for, here? go in and attend to your muslins . 琪恩,蘿莎,你們在這里鬼混些什么?快進去燙那幾件細洋布衣服。

Jane : maybe you are right . we should never deny the values of our traditional culture . 雷蒙:或許你說得對,我們永遠都不能否認我們傳統文化的價值。

Miss glover and i are going to take on miss jane hancock and arthur branderton . 我和格洛弗小姐準備對付簡漢考克小姐和亞瑟布蘭德頓。

If i made through the door i would encounter the disapproving gaze of jane rothe . 如果我走出門去,會遇到簡羅絲投來的不贊許的目光。

Ms. jane smith and i are going to see you this afternoon . please wait for us . 我和簡史密斯小姐打算今天下午見你,請你等我們。

Mary and jane can sleep double tonight and you can have one of their beds . 瑪莉和簡今晚兩人睡在一起,你可以睡她們騰出的床。

The fortune teller told jane that there was an adventure for her just around the corner . 算命先生告訴簡說她即將有奇遇。

I know jane . she is my co-worker . she is a very charming girl . 我認識珍妮,她是我的同事,她是一個非常迷人的女孩。

There are many notes which indicate how scrupulous jane is about facts . 有許多短信可以表明,簡對事實是一絲不茍的。

Jane austen hurriedly replied, with as much trepidation as amusement . 簡奧斯丁又驚慌又感興趣地急忙回答了問題。

She forgot her daughter till a touch from jane aroused her . 她忘記了她的女兒,直到簡碰了她一下,她才醒過來。

I am not sacrificing my day off just to go shopping with jane . 我可不愿意犧牲一天休假日單單陪簡去買東西。

Jane austen 's skill at characterization deserves our learning . 簡奧斯汀刻劃人物的技巧值得我們學習。

Jane feared that her infant's sucking might “ruin“ her figure . 簡擔心她的嬰兒吮奶會“毀掉”她的體形。

Although jane is 42 years old, she is still firm and erect . 雖然簡已經42歲了,但她仍然挺拔堅韌。

Jane has always been able to twist her parents round her little finger . 簡總是能夠讓父母順著她。

I had a row with jane . 我跟簡吵了一架。

Jane can not sit still, she has ants in her pants . 珍無法安安靜靜地坐一會,她一直是神不守舍的。

Jane wrote him a long letter , but he never wrote back . 簡給他寫了封長信,然而他一直沒有回信。