
jammy adj.1.粘上果醬的。2.〔英國〕使人愉快的,適意的。


A rich , round red , with lots of jammy berry and strawberry character . full , round and caressing . lots goint on . needs time . best after 2007 - james suckling 濃郁、圓潤的紅酒,帶有豐富的成熟莓果和草莓果香。濃郁、圓潤和令人愛戀的口感。需要些許時間陳放。最佳適飲期: 2007年之后。

This dark plum - colored , soft , fruit - driven wine offers up notes of earth , underbrush , jammy black cherries , and iron 此款美酒呈現深李子色,入口柔順,豐富的果味中蘊含了泥土和黑櫻桃的芳香。

Comments : medium - bodied red wine with jammy fruits aromas . it has pepper and vanilla taste , round and smooth with long finish 評語:酒體中性,富漿果香氣,略帶胡椒及香草味,口感圓滑而悠久

Luenfat jammy shenzhen industrial co . , ltd luenfat jammy hongkong industrial co . , ltd 聯發晶美實業深圳有限公司聯發晶美香港實業有限公司

Good work , jimmy . “ jammy , jammy . “ jammy jammy 干的好,吉米

This is one of the jammiest jobs i ' ve ever had 這是我干過的最輕松的工作

Don ' t wipe your jammy fingers on the table - cloth 你別在桌布上擦沾了果醬的手指