
jammu n.查謨〔城市,位于亞洲查謨和克什米爾的西南〕。

jammu and kashmir

Jammu , india ( ap ) - suspected islamic militants raided a remote mountain village in india ' s jammu - kashmir state and attacked two hindu families as they dined together , killing five people , police said saturday 查謨,印度(美聯社)星期六一群不明身份的伊斯蘭武裝分子襲擊了印度查謨克什米爾邦的一個偏遠山村,警方稱這群武裝分子襲擊了兩戶正在吃飯的印度教家庭,打死五人。

Sadly , this physical beauty is one of the reasons why the state of jammu and kashmir is engulfed in a bitter territorial dispute between india and pakistan 可悲的是?印巴拼死爭奪查謨-克什米爾邦?該邦的山川美麗?正是原因之一。

It occupies one - fifth of the original state of jammu and kashmir 它占領原查謨和克什米爾的五分之一。