
jammer n.1.【無線電】干擾發射機,干擾發射臺。2.【機械工程...


On the basis of introducing the principle of the tf / ar radar , this paper analyzes the conditions of effectively jamming the tf / ar radar in typical tactical act of hedgehopping , which include the disposition and quantity of electron reconnaissance / jammer , calculates the capability request of equipments in the method of sensor / hand - emplaced jammer , and concludes that it is difficult to jam tf / ar radar at the present time 摘要在介紹地形跟隨回避雷達工作原理的基礎上,通過設定典型超低空突防飛機的戰術行動,分析了對雷達實施有效干擾所必須具備的條件,包括偵察干擾機的部署、數量要求等;并計算了在傳感器擺放(投擲)式干擾機模式下對裝備的性能要求,得出了在目前技術條件下,對地形跟隨回避雷達實施干擾在技術和戰術上都是困難的。

Based on the analysis and study of the primary principle and countermeasure process of the underwater acoustic countermeasure equipments , the mathematical models of the typical underwater acoustic countermeasure equipments such as the wide - band noise jammer target radiation noise simulator echo simulator and the gas bubble are presented 在詳細分析、研究水聲對抗器材有關基本概念、基本工作原理及對抗過程的基礎上,歸納、總結了噪聲干擾器、目標輻射噪聲模擬器、主動回波模擬器及氣幕彈等當前典型水聲對抗器材的數學模型。

With the development of science and tecbnology , the electronic warfare has gotten to a new stage , electronic jammers , anti - radialized missiles , superlow altitude attacks have turned into great threats confronted with radar nowadays . former single - based radar not only had difficulty in finishing expected tasks , but also the survival of itself had been a pressing problem , people have to probe into multifarious countermeasures in order to improve the viability and effective work - capacity 隨著科技的發展,雷達電子戰發展到一個新的階段,電子干擾、反輻射導彈、低空突防和隱身武器已成為當今雷達面臨的四大威脅。傳統的有源雷達不僅很難完成預定的任務,而且自身的生存也成了緊迫問題,人們不得不積極探討各種對策,以提高雷達的生存和有效工作能力。

Combining the above signal model and the conventional lcmv method at element level we present a lcmv method at subarray level . in all kinds of jammer scenarios , the method can suppress jammers well , but the disadvantage is that the sll ( sidelobe level ) of adaptive patterns is much higher 將上述提出的信號模型與常規線性約束最小方差( lcmv )方法相結合得到子陣級lcmv方法,在各種干擾情況下該方法都可以實現對干擾的很好抑制,但其局限性是自適應方向圖的旁瓣電平較高。

This paper comprises two parts : radar clutter simulation and adaptive moving target indication . in the former part , we analyse the generation mechanism of single - channel radar correlated clutter and illuminate the simulated modeling way of rayleigh , log - norm , wei bull , k - distributed clutter with special power spetrum . all these models are used into the practical simulation of ground clutter , cloud - rain clutter and chaff jammer according to their features 在雷達雜波仿真部分分析雜波的產生尤其是單通道相關雷達雜波產生的機理,具體闡明了在指定雜波功率譜情況下,幅度服從瑞利分布、對數正態分布、韋伯分布和k -分布的雜波的建模與仿真方法,并根據不同分布的特點,將其應用到地雜波、氣象雜波和箔條干擾的仿真中。

The simulation system includes waveform level simulation models of main entities such as communication , reconnaissance , direction - finding , jammer , etc . the function of the simulation system can be extended to offer an effective approach for analyzing and evaluating the efficiency of complex communication countermeasure system 該系統包括通信、偵察、測向、干擾等主要實體的波形級仿真模型,并可以實現功能擴展,從而為復雜通信對抗系統的效能分析和評估提供了有效的途徑。

In chapter 5 , the complex envelop simulation block diagrams of fh transmitter and receiver are presented at first . then key techniques of simulation system are discussed , including frame processing structure , fh sequence generator , etc . finally , simulation models of fh transmitter , receiver and jammer are presented . the influence of frequency excursion on performance of multi - tone continuous wave jamming is analyzed 第五章首先設計了跳頻發信機成員和接收機成員的復包絡仿真框圖;其次討論了跳頻仿真系統實現的關鍵技術,包括幀處理結構、跳頻序列發生器等;最后給出了跳頻通信發信機、接收機以及干擾機成員的仿真模型,分析了頻率偏移對多頻連續波干擾性能的影響。

We study on using the focusing matrix of coherent subspace method ( csm ) to update the date matrix before the fast follower jammer coming , and then improved the adaptive beamformer ' s convergence . in the second one , when there are fast follower jammer and wide - band interference , we suppress them separately 另一方面,在同時存在寬帶阻塞干擾和快速跟蹤干擾時,利用兩種干擾與期望信號到達時間的不同,分兩個階段分別將其抑制,降低了干擾對系統的影響。

Theoretical analyze and computer simulation prove that the side lobe canceller system using polarization radar can depress jammer while not damaging the signal , the overall performance is better than that of the system using polarization radar only in the auxiliary antenna 理論分析和仿真實驗表明使用全極化雷達的旁瓣對消系統,可以在抑制干擾的同時盡量不損失目標信號,系統整體性能優于主天線為單極化時系統的性能。

Effects of radar eccm are important indexes to judge radar eccm and the characteristic of eccm equipment . it has great practical significant for both radar and jammer to evaluate eccm effects properly , objectively and easily 雷達抗干擾效果是衡量雷達對抗中抗干擾措施是否有效和雷達設備性能優劣的重要指標,如何準確、客觀、快捷地評估雷達抗干擾效果,對雷達、干擾雙方均具有重要的現實意義。

The ultra - wideband ( uwb ) electromagnetic pulse technology is one of the most important and vigorous developing research fields for potential applications ranging from transient radar systems to high power jammers 高功率超寬帶電磁脈沖技術是正在發展中的前沿性研究領域,已在目標識別、目標探測、醫學等民用領域得到廣泛應用,在超寬帶沖擊雷達、電子干擾等軍事領域有著十分重要的應用潛能。

The constant frequency federation consists of five federates , which are communication transmitter , communication receiver , reconnaissance receiver , directionfinding receiver and jammer . all the federates adopt complex envelop simulation models 定頻通信對抗聯邦包含五個成員:通信發信機、通信接收機、偵察接收機、測向接收機和干擾機成員,各成員均采用復包絡仿真模型。

Simulation hierarchies include federate , federation and object . radar and radar jammer object models have two methods to design , which are functional describing and signal describing by pulse - to - pulse 對象模塊層次的仿真模型設計方法有功能仿真和信號仿真方法,信號仿真方法采用基于對象數據總線的結構和模塊化的設計方法。

Traditional jammer jams not only foes ’ electronic device but also friends ’ . because distributed jamming devices are thrown in the place which is far away from friends ’ position , then the problem will be solved easily 傳統的大功率集中式干擾系統在對敵實施干擾的同時,由于發射大功率干擾信號,難免會對己方也會造成影響。

Some valuable conclusions are given by simulation experiments for a kind of anti - radiation - missile attacking dual sources . 6 . the method for prs counteracting interference of two noise fm jammers is presented 對于兩個頻基本重疊的窄帶瞄準式噪聲調頻干擾源,提出了prs跟蹤兩個干擾源中大功率源的方法。

That may be difficult , since federal law and fcc rules ( n . ) prohibit the use of cell phone jammers . the industry is broadly trying to increase interest in the movies 由于聯邦法律和聯邦通信委員會規定禁止對手機信號進行干擾,所以這個想法也許很難實現。電影業正想方設法增強觀眾對于電影的興趣。

Firstly , the polarization characteristics of active multi - decoy of any elliptic polarized antenna jammer are presented and the polarization scattering properties of radar target are also discussed 首先詳細分析了任一橢圓極化天線有源假目標的極化特性,并探討了典型雷達目標的極化散射特性。

Cynosural system jammers prevent the formation of new cynosural fields in the system , and force existing fields to collapse at the end of their cycle 誘導系統擾斷器阻止恒星系統內新誘導力場的產生,并且強制關閉當時已經存在的力場(當然是周期結束后) [赫拉:意為一旦結束無法再度開啟] 。

Abstract : ir active jam technology includes ir decoy , ir jammer , dircmlaser blinding , etc . this paper briefly describes the present state of ir active jam technique 文摘:紅外有源干擾技術包括紅外干擾彈、紅外干擾機、定向紅外對抗和激光致盲等。綜述了國外紅外有源干擾技術的發展現狀。