
jamestown n.詹姆斯敦〔1.圣赫勒拿島首府。2.1607年英國在美...


The trip will be the queen ' s fourth state visit to the u . s . during her first visit , she went to jamestown in october of 1957 , the year of jamestown ' s 350th anniversary 這將是女王第四次對美國進行國事訪問。女王曾于1957年10月詹姆斯敦建立350周年紀念時首次訪美。

As they drive up , visitors can either stop at the jamestown settlement or they can see the very place where the colonists first settled on jamestown island 當他們駛上此島,參觀者們不但能夠留在詹姆士鎮島的定居點,也可以看到殖民者最初在詹姆士鎮島上生活的地方。

As they drive up , visitors can either stop at the jamestown settlement or they can see the very place where the colonists first settled on jamestown island 當他們開上來是,人民可以停在任意一個地方或者他們可以看到當年殖民者第一次占領詹姆斯敦島的每一個地方。

As they drive up , visitors can either stop at the jamestown settlement or they can see the very place where the colonists first settled on jamestown island 觀光者開車來的過程中觀光者還可以停到詹姆士鎮島這片殖民地上,看看第一批殖民者登陸詹姆士鎮島的遺跡!

They are also re - created version of the ship that carries the colonists to jamestown island . the ship were called sunsan constant , godspeed and discovery 他們也重新創作了這艘曾載著殖民者來到詹姆士鎮島的輪船,這艘船的名字叫永恒的蘇珊,成功和探險號。

As they drive up , visitors can either stop at the jamestown settlement or they can see the very place where the colonists first settled on jamestown island 當參觀者驅車到達后,不僅可以在詹姆斯敦居住區泊車,還可以看到殖民者首次登陸詹姆斯敦島的地方。

There are also recreated versions of the ships that the carried the colonists to jamestown island . the ships were called the susan constant , godspeed and discovery 把殖民者帶到詹姆斯敦島的船也被重新造了出來。這些船叫作永恒的蘇珊,幸運發現號

As they drive up , visitors can either stop at the jamestown settlement or they can see the very place where the colonists first settled on jamestown island 當他們駕車過來時,既可以在詹姆士鎮島殖民地停留,也可以參觀島上當時殖民者的居住地方。

As they drive up , visitors can either stop at the jamestown settlement or they can see the very place where the colonists first settled on jamestown island 駕車旅游不但可以停在詹姆斯敦,也可看到當年最早的殖民者登陸詹姆斯敦的確切地點。

As they drive up , visitors can either stop the jamestown settlement or they can see the very place where the colonists first settled on jamestown island 參觀者可以隨時在詹姆士鎮的殖民地停車,可以看到當年殖民者在詹姆士鎮島的登陸地點。

When the london company landed three tiny vessels at the mouth of the chesapeake bay in 1607 , 105 people disembarked to found the jamestown colony 1607年,當倫敦公司的三只小船到達切薩皮克港口時, 105人上岸開始建立詹姆斯殖民地。

There are also recreated versions of the ships that carried the colonists to jamestown island . the ships were called the susan constant , godspeed and discovery 那兒同樣有船用來載居民去詹姆斯敦島嶼。這船的名字叫做永遠的蘇珊。

Jamestown settlement was built by the state of virginia in nineteen fifty - seven to celebrate the three hundred fiftieth anniversary of the former colony 1957年為了慶祝前殖民地350周年,維吉尼亞州建造了詹姆士鎮島。

Jamestown settlement was built by the state of virginia in nineteen fifty - seven to celebrate the three hundred fiftieth anniversary of the former colony 詹姆斯敦殖民地是1957年維爾尼亞建立來慶祝殖民地建立300周年。

The first few yeas of life in jamestown colony were extremely difficult 。 the colounist suffer from lacking food and diseases 詹姆士鎮島殖民地的早些年生活真是極端的困難。殖民者遭遇到了食物缺乏和疾病的困擾。

He was born in jamestown , n . y . , and received his ph . d . in biological anthropology at the university of michigan at ann arbor in 1987 李奧納德發表過80篇以上的論文,討論現代人與史前人類的營養與能量動態變化。

Jamestown , though it possessed a good harbor , was swampy , infested with mosquitoes , and lacked freshwater sources 詹姆斯敦,雖然真的是個很好的港口,但太過沼澤化,被蚊蟲寄生,且缺乏新鮮的水源。

Peace came when pocahontas , daughter of chief powhatan , married john rolfe , a tobacco farmer in jamestown 和平來自寶卡荷塔斯,她是酋長包華德的女兒,和詹姆斯敦一個煙草農夫,約翰羅夫結婚。

The first permanent english settlement in the new world was established at jamestown , in virginia , in 1607 新大陸的第一個永久性的英屬殖民地于1607年在弗吉尼亞的詹姆斯敦建立。