
jamboree n.〔口語〕1.大喝大鬧;大型娛樂會,慶祝會。2.大集會...


Wednesday , december 19 , 2001 as the wan tsai peninsula in sai kung west country park will be partially closed from december 23 to 26 for the scouting jamboree camping activity , other campers are advised to use a temporary campsite on the peninsula or other campsites , the agriculture , fisheries and conservation department ( afcd ) said today ( december 18 ) 漁農自然護理署(漁護署)今日(十二月十九日)表示,香港童軍總會將于十二月二十三日至二十六日期間,于西貢西郊野公園舉行大型露營活動,屆時該郊野公園灣仔半島部分地方會被封閉,其他露營人士可使用署方在該半島設立的臨時露營地點,或前往其他鄰近營地。

The verdant pavilion is where the jamboree of all talented girls took place after the examination . you can play with a plethora of 3d models and toys to explore the fascinating world of symmetries 凝翠館是小說中眾才女聚首一堂的地方,你可以在這里把玩一些結構充滿對稱性的立體模型和玩具,并探索大自然中富對稱性的生物及現象。

If anything , the jamboree in libya may have worsened things by further dividing the rebels into those who got a pat on the back for coming and those who did not 如果有什么事情發生的話,利比亞的政黨集會可能會把事情弄的更糟? ?他們會把一些美言幾句就能變節的叛軍拉攏過來,從而就把叛軍進一步地分裂。

Yet as she prepares for her berlin eu jamboree this weekend , what is notable is that praise from foreigners is not translating into successes at home 然而,當她本周準備在柏林召開歐盟成立50年的慶典活動時,值得注意的是來自國外人士的贊許和溢美之詞并不能解讀為國內政策上的成功。

From time to time , keep a lookout for information disseminated by hq , area and district regarding events and activities such as jamborees , camps , courses and competitions 本公告欄將不時轉載總部、區部活動消息(如大露營、課程及競賽等) ,敬請留意。

The world scout jamboree , gilwell park , brownsea island and special centenary stations count 5 points . your logs should be verified as accurate by 2 other local radio amateurs 世界大露營電臺、極偉園電臺、白浪島電臺與各地百周年紀念電臺可得到五分。

Jamboree is a simple music player that has a d - bus interface so that it can be told to play , go to the next song , change the volume , and so on Jamboree是一個簡單的音樂播放器,它具有d - bus接口,以使得它可以被告知播放、到下一首歌、改變音量等等。

During the 19th world scout jamboree , ( december 1998 and january 1999 ) in chile , the gdv was defined as one of the fundamental axis of the educational program 在1999年的第19次世界大露營(智利)地球村活動,定位為教育計劃中的一個基本核心。

Three different shows , “ country bear jamboree , “ vacation jamboree “ and “ jingle bell jamboree , “ are presented throughout the year according to the season 節目內容依照季節分別有鄉村頑熊音樂會假期音樂會以及圣誕鈴音樂會三種。

The antique jamboree is the largest antique fair in japan , where about 500 dealers come to join the event from all over the country 古董大會聚集了來自全國的約500個古董商,是日本最大規模的古董活動。

Chalif didn ' t begin by talking about the boy scouts , or the jamboree in europe , or what it was he wanted 基爾夫先生開始并沒有就即談到童子軍的事和他的來意,而只是談談對方最感興趣的事。

In this case it is portugal that sits as president , and the lisbon jamboree was its big idea ( see article ) 在這種情況下,主辦里斯本盛會也便是輪值主席國葡萄牙的重要目標了(見文章) 。

The spring jamboree at the hong kong observatory attracts record - breaking number of visitors 20 march 2005 天文臺春季大型節目吸引破記錄人數參觀( 2005年3月20日)

Europe ' s leaders plan a jamboree in berlin that will issue a portentous declaration 歐洲領導人計劃在柏林舉行盛大慶典,并發表一項重要的預示性宣言。

A more amusing but far less useful example is the combination of jamboree and ringaling 一個更為有趣但很不實用的例子是jamboree和ringaling的結合。

It will be a grand jamboree , the first of its kind since a summit in cairo seven years ago 這將是自7年前的開羅峰會以來歐非兩洲之間的首次盛會。

The spring jamboree at the hong kong observatory attracts record - breaking number of visitors 天文臺春季大型節目吸引破記錄人數參觀

Country bear jamboree 鄉村頑熊音樂會

But this week ' s jamboree suggests the true headquarters of african 但是,本周的盛會已然表明了哪里才是非洲真正的總部。