
jamaican adj.牙買加的,牙買加人的。n.牙買加人。


In addition to following the international retreat guidelines regarding many hours of diligent meditation , fellow initiates also volunteered for the kitchen crew . the cuisines of many different countries were represented on the menu , including western , jamaican , south american and oriental dishes 禪四期間,除了叁照國際禪的慣例,每天長時間專心打坐精進修行之外,同修們志愿組成的伙頭軍,也提供了頗具國際色彩的各色菜肴,有歐式西餐牙買加風味和南美特色的食物,以及東方食品。

I say i ' m of mixed race , and if they ask for specifics , i rattle off the details : my mother is russian , french , syrian , lebanese and dutch ; my father is african - american , jamaican , english , german and part cherokee 溫帥:我會說我是混血的,如果他們再進一步問的話,我會不加思索一股腦的說:我母親是俄羅斯,法國,敘利亞,黎巴嫩和荷蘭血統的,我父親是美國黑人,牙買加,英國,德國和一小部分切羅基族血統。

The legendary jamaican and caribbean band byron lee and the dragonaires head to shanghai in november to perform at the 8th shanghai international arts festival . the bands first visit to china marks a milestone in the dis . . 著名的牙買加和加勒比樂隊拜倫李和的傳人樂隊將于11月份前來上海,參加第8屆上海國際藝術節。這個樂隊對中國的首次訪問在拜倫李50年杰出的音樂生涯中,具有里程碑式的意義。

In the bobsled , the stories were not those of the eventual winners , the soviets in the two - man and the swiss in the four - man , but rather of the jamaicans having bobsled team at all and of prince albert of monaco competing 在長橇賽中,蘇聯在雙人賽中勝出,瑞士在四人賽中勝出,但人們談論得更多的反而是牙買加人居然也組隊參加了長橇賽,以及摩納哥王子阿爾勃特的參賽。

One chinese practitioner said that a year ago , while still in mainland china , he had had a dream that he was meditating in a room with a jamaican brother . he now realized that the room in his dream was indeed the surrey center 一位中國同修提到,一年前在中國大陸時曾夢到在一個房屋里和一位牙買加師兄一起共修,現在才知道夢中的房屋就是舍瑞小中心。

Coffees we carry are jamaican blue mountain , hawaiian kona , brazil bourbon santos , colombian supremo , costa rican sarchi , guatemala antigua , and ethiopian mocha limu , and so on 本公司代理的咖啡分別有牙買加藍山一號、夏威夷康拿、巴西山度士、哥倫比亞、哥斯達黎加、危地馬拉安提加、埃塞俄比亞也加沙夫等等。

It all started in the poorest neighborhoods of new york city in the 1970s , when jamaican dj kool herc created rap by speaking words over reggae beats 嘻哈始于20世紀70年代紐約市最貧窮的社區,當時一位牙買加dj庫爾?賀克隨著雷蓋音樂的節奏念出歌詞,從而發明了饒舌樂。

Do you want to enjoy reggae music in a brand new cool bar ? do you like rastafari culture ? are you into dreadlocks , bob marley and jamaican lifestyle 你是否曾經聽說過一種音樂叫做“雷鬼” ,也許你知道,但是你是否知道“雷鬼文化”背后隱藏的幾千年的故事?

British author andrea levy won the 2004 orange prize for fiction june 8 with her story about jamaican migration to london after world war ii 6月8日,英國作家安德里亞?利維獲得了2004年度奧林奇小說獎,她的獲獎小說講述了二戰后牙買加人向倫敦移民的故事。

British author andrea levy won the 2004 orange prize for fiction june 8 with her story about jamaican migration to london after world war ii 6月8日,英國作家安德里亞利維獲得了2004年度奧林奇小說獎,她的獲獎小說講述了二戰后牙買加人向倫敦移民的故事。

What s goin on with dat ? with the deal done sometimes i sip jamaican white rum taste with a little milk , i know y all niggas want some 就讓思念淹沒我不想逃反正你將永遠不知道今夜星光多美好適合用寂寞去憑吊我們曾用愛互相依靠付出多少不用計較想一

The congress is sponsored by the american epilepsy society , the canada league against epilepsy , and the jamaican chapter of the international league against epilepsy 此次會議是由美國癲癇協會、加拿大癲癇治療同盟和牙買加國際癲癇治療同盟舉辦。

A representative of jamaican prime minister p . j . patterson came to praise the cashes for their charity work in that country , where they maintain a home 鄉村音樂。的常用意思是復雜化,使復雜的因素,但在醫學上指的是并發癥。心臟手術。

Looking for a place to unwind with an ice cold red stripe or real jamaican coffee and have dinner on an outdoor patio setting 想找個地方休息一下,喝點清涼的嗎?在涼爽的戶外涼亭享受牙買加特制咖啡和牙買加料理聽起來如何

Portia simpson millerprime minister of jamaicachristmas is a time when jamaicans , wherever they are , think of home and family 牙買加駐華使館和中國文化部合力在牙買加和中國建交34周年之際推出了這次展覽。

We are also approved by the coffee industry board of the jamaican government as an importer of their coffees 公司亦是中國及鄰近地區少數能夠取得牙買加咖啡工業管理局特許進口商資格的公司之一。

Ann : by the way , i heard kitty ' s just got in a shipment of jamaican blue mountain 小安:順道一提,我聽說凱蒂咖啡剛進了一批牙買加藍山。

The next was to fight , the british champ , the jamaican girl billy just beat 下一個邀請是去向英國冠軍一個剛被比麗擊敗的牙買加女孩挑戰

“ the jamaican constabulary force remains the primary investigating force . 聲明寫道: “牙買加警方會繼續把此案作為主要偵辦案件。 ”