
jamaica n.牙買加〔拉丁美洲國家,英聯邦的成員,首都金斯頓〕。

jamaica rum

Jamaica monitor club 牙買加監督俱樂部

Consulate of jamaica 牙買加駐港領事館

Independence day jamaica 牙買加獨立日

Neville may miss england ' s world cup warm - up match against jamaica this weekend 本周末內維爾可能錯過和牙買加的熱身賽。

Christmas in jamaica - 牙買加的圣誕節。

We will wait at jamaica 我們在牙買加等你

Why you come to jamaica -你為什么來牙買加

- why you come to jamaica -你為什么來牙買加

She is honeymooning in jamaica ; she is a killer in seattle 一個牙買加島上渡蜜月的富家女一個西雅圖的職業女殺手。

Honorary consulate of jamaica 捷克共和國領事館

I did jamaica , but it could be anywhere in the caribbean 這個展現的是牙買加風情,但也可以是加勒比海的任何地方

Consulate of jamaica in hong kong 牙買加駐港領事館

I knew a man in jamaica who was hanged for murdering his master 我知道在牙買加有個家伙因為謀殺主人而被絞死

Presenter : which is bigger ? hong kong or jamaica ? . . . mary 推薦者:哪一個比較大香港還是牙買加? … …瑪麗。

Film in class : black , s . life and debt . ( about sweatshops in jamaica 《生命與債》 (關于牙買加的血汗工廠) 。

Miss rhoda was talking about jamaica and her sugar plantations there 羅達小姐正在談論牙買加還有她的甘蔗

Presenter : which is bigger ? hong kong or jamaica ? . . . mary 推薦者:香港或牙買加哪一個比較大? … …瑪麗。

Chinese embassy in jamaica 中華人民共和國駐牙買加大使館

And second ? ? i heard you ' re taking the guys from rums jamaica 還有第二我聽說你要請牙買加朗姆酒公司的人