
jam n.1.擁擠,阻塞。2.(機器等因擁塞)軋住,停頓。3....

jam nut

James left almost immediately after; he was late as it was . 詹姆士緊接著也走了;就這樣他已經晚了。

James was stuck by the teacher 's question in the oral exam . 在口試中,詹姆斯被老師的提問難住了。

Traffic was jammed . 交通還是阻滯不暢。

The engineering gang fell earnestly to work on jammed valves . 輪機組都起勁地埋頭修理堵塞的閥門。

Who is this mr. james ? 詹姆斯先生是誰?

Autos jammed gas stations; buses were packed . 小汽車把加油站擠得水泄不通,公共汽車里擠滿了人。

Her comfortable voice seemed to soothe james for once . 她安慰的聲音好像總算使詹姆士平靜下來。

He is late -- he is probably stuck in a traffic jam . 他遲到了很可能在交通阻塞中耽誤了。

Protesting viewers jammed the bbc switchboard . 觀眾抗議的電話使英國廣播公司的總機應接不暇。

The position of james gould cozzens is more complex . 詹姆斯吉爾德科曾斯的情形比較復雜。

The driver jams the brakes on . 司機煞住車。

The bus was jammed full . 公共汽車擠得很滿。

James admitted that his wife accused him of infidelity . 詹姆斯承認,他的妻子曾指責他不忠。

James i personally adjudicated between the two jurisdictions . 詹姆士一世親自裁定雙方糾紛。

I hear you are in a jam . 我聽說你陷入困境了。

James was particularly liberal to her that christmas . 詹姆士這次過圣誕節對待她特別優厚。

It was a long time for james to wait, at his age . 這要詹姆士等得太長久了,偌大的年紀。

I was almost out of my jam . 我差不多擺脫了困境。

The old man made the sheet fast and jammed the tiller . 老頭兒系上帆腳繩,把舵柄夾緊。