
jalousie n.【建筑】百葉窗。


A small lofty room , with its window wide open , and the wooden jalousie - blinds closed , so that the dark night only showed in slight horizontal lines of black , alternating with their broad lines of stone colour 莊園有個圓頂的碉樓,這間房伸在碉樓里,不大,但天花板很高,窗戶敞開,木質的百葉窗緊閉,因此黑暗的夜只表現在寬闊的石頭背景的淺黑色水平條紋上。

If you fancy desserts , savour our peach jalousie with vanilla sauce , mini chocolate cakes and lavender mousse . what else 必試甜品有即?水蜜桃麥酥卷、薄荷朱古力餅及?衣草毛士。

Jacob gade jalousie 加德百葉窗

Not - opening steel jalousies 固定鋼質百葉窗