
jalopy 短語和例子jalop(p)yn.〔美俚〕1.破舊的汽車[...


It is more than two decades since america led the world intax reform , and what ronald reagan called “ that old jalopy of our tax system ” is looking in need of a lot more than a new spray of paint 上次美國率先倡導稅制改革已經是20多年前的事了,曾被里根總統稱作“老爺車”的稅收體制現在即使修修補補也無濟于事。

Speed is more important than looking good . a shiny , beautiful car isn ' t impressive when it gets overtaken by an old jalopy ; the same applies to software 速度重于外觀。就好比大晴天,如果一輛漂亮的汽車被一輛老爺車超上去的話,我想它不會給人留下多么深刻的印象。軟件開發亦如此。

Speed is more important than looking good . a shiny , beautiful car isn ' t impressive when it gets overtaken by an old jalopy ; the same applies to software 速度比“看起來完美“要重要的多。一輛漂亮而耀眼的車被一輛老爺車追上時,他就沒什么可炫耀了。軟件也一樣。

My jalopy may be old and ugly but it gets me where i want to go 我的老爺車可能又老又丑,可是它可以帶我去我想去的地方。

But i get all dolled up and we go out in this jalopy without a hood 現在我盛裝打扮卻坐這連引擎蓋都沒有的破車出門

What ' s the point ? lt ' s a jalopy 洗了又有什么用?這車是塊廢鐵

I have a special passion for that jalopy 我對那部老爺車有特殊的感情。

Who did you cheat today to sell one of your jalopies 今天又騙誰買你的車了

I'll use this jalopy . 我用這輛破舊車。