
jakes n.〔古、方〕屋外廁所,茅坑。


In pubs , steam rose from damp bodies and garments to be inhaled with cigarette and pipe smoke laced with the stale fumes of a spilled stout and whiskey and tinged with the odor of piss wafting in from the outdoor jakes where many a man puked up his week ' s wages 酒吧里,蒸汽從潮濕的身體和衣服上升起,和著香煙和煙斗里冒出來的煙,倒出來的濃黑啤酒和威士忌陳腐的氣息,還有從門外廁所里吹進來的尿味混合在一起又被人吸進去,很多男人在酒吧里把一周的工資都喝光,再跑進廁所吐出來。

Coyote jakes , inc . - specializing in gear for shooting enthusiasts . includes products , photo gallery , trophy room , online order information and contacts 易易工作室-各種在線工具,站長網志,以及多個應用項目。

Jakes spoke of the biblical good samaritan who cared for a man beaten and robbed by thugs 撒瑪利亞人曾經為一個遭到一群惡棍毒打和搶掠的人提供了關愛。

He pulled back the jerky shaky door of the jakes and came forth from the gloom into the air 他將那搖搖晃晃關不緊的門拽上,從昏暗中走進大千世界。

[ jakes ] . . . makesyou see something orhear something that somebodysaid to getyou back … …讓你看一些或是聽一些會讓你回心轉意的話

Jakes . makesyou see something orhear something that somebodysaid to getyou back 讓你看一些或是聽一些會讓你回心轉意的話

Jakes on radio every 15 seconds 每十五秒

Jakes somehow or other , god ' s gonna get me through - - turn around -不管怎樣,上帝會幫我挺過來的-把頭轉回去

Jakes on tv god don ' t say anything 上帝是緘默的

Inspirational bishop t . d . jakes 偉大的主教杰克斯

“ no , don t you worry ; these country jakes won t ever think of that “不,不用擔心那些鄉巴老不會想到這一些。

Jakes i don ' t want to getyou in trouble 我不想讓你惹麻煩

[ man ] bishop t . d . jakes is a man ofigod , a prophet in this day 主教杰克斯是上帝的使者,當代的先知

[ jakes ] i don ' t want to getyou in trouble . . 我不想讓你惹麻煩

Man bishop t . d . jakes is a man ofigod , a prophet in this day 主教杰克斯是上帝的使者,當代的先知

Jakes maybeyou can ' t do it in the offiice 也許你在公開場合做不到

[ jakes ] the warden told me about the hunger strike you ' ve been on 監獄官跟我說你曾絕食抗議

Bishop jakes will be conducting a three - day revival . . 主教杰克斯將會主持一場為期三天的布道

Jakes eighteenyears ofi beingalienatedfrom everybody 18年被大家疏遠