
jake n.〔貶義〕粗魯的鄉下人,家伙。

jake leg

Jake what ' s this ? it ' s a mess , that ' s what it is 這是什么?是一團糟,就是這個樣子

Jake , no offense , but i ' ve seen you fight 杰克,沒有冒犯你的意思,但是我見過你打架

Uh , jake , get me a band - aid , okay ? here , here Jake ,拿個膠布給我,好嗎?這里,這里

Humor , jake , junior , buster , humor . come on 幽默,杰克,年輕人小子,幽默。

Jake thinks he cuts a dash in his new cowboy boots 杰克認為他穿牛仔靴子大出風頭。

Jake : you sound awful . what ' s the matter 杰克:你的聲音聽起來好像不對勁,怎么了?

Carol : i love this spot , don ' t you , jake 卡羅:我喜歡這項運動,你呢,杰克?

Jake didn ' t want me . and if i can ' t have him 杰克不想要我而如果我得不到他

On the consciousness of death in jake london ' s novel 論杰克183 ;倫敦小說的死亡意識

Jake : so he ' s going to st . louis first 杰克:那么他是先去圣& # 8226 ;路易斯了?

Jake : pardon ? do i turn left at the bank 杰克:再說一遍?我要在銀行左轉嗎?

Jake : yes . there are races all weekend 杰克:是的,整個周末這里有各種比賽。

Jake : and i need to do the story this weekend 杰克:這個周末我要做這個節目。

Jake : it ' s good . i need to go to dallas 杰克:這個題材很好。我必須去達拉斯。

Jake : here ' s where a little research comes in handy 這就是調查很管用的地方。

Jake : i get dizzy . . . so , what about susan 杰克;我會頭暈眼花? ?那么蘇珊呢?

Carol : jake is very handsome . but he ' s an idiot 卡羅:他非常英俊。但他是個白癡。

That is some definite gamesmanship from jake hammond 賈克?哈門德那個動作真不光彩

Jake this room is huge ! - can i see this one -這間屋子真大! -我能看看這個嗎?