
jakarta n.雅加達(=Djakarta) 〔印度尼西亞首都〕。


November 2001 contains a great background look at jakarta tomcat , 2001年9月)包含了很豐富的介紹jakarta tomcat的背景知識。

Last friday , a 21 - year - old man from west jakarta became the 86th victim 上周五,雅加達西部一名21歲男子成為第86個死亡者。

Approval letter issued by the directorate general of immigration in jakarta - indonesia 由印尼雅加達移民局局長簽發的批準信

Last friday a 21 - year - old man from west jakarta became the 86 victim 上周五,雅加達西部的一個21歲男子是第86個死亡者。

The first leg of my trip to southeast asia was the indonesian capital , jakarta 這次東南亞訪問的首站是印尼首都雅加達。

For ant documentation , faqs , and downloads , see the apache ant project 如需ant文檔、 faq和其他下載,請訪問jakarta項目的

Last friday a 21 year old man from west jakarta became the 86th victim 上周,雅加達的一名21歲男子成為第86名受害者。

By brother initiate c . sradaputta , jakarta , indonesia originally in indonesian 印尼雅加達史拉達普塔師兄原文為印尼文

Jakarta center , indonesia 印尼雅加達小中心

And the jakarta government certainly isn ' t doing much to help on that score 當然雅加達不會在這個問題上提供幫助的。

3d2n jakarta free easy 三天兩夜雅加達逍遙游

But has since been donated to the apache jakarta project 的一個項目開始的,但現在已經捐助給了apache jakarta項目。

A bridge collapsed in buenos aires and a volcanic eruption in jakarta 布宜諾斯艾利斯發生大橋坍塌雅加達有火山爆發

Report from jakarta , indonesia 印尼雅加達報導

This is just one of the many eclipse plugins for jakarta tomcat 這是用于jakarta tomcat的眾多eclipse插件之一。

By brother - initiate lie ay foek , jakarta , indonesia originally in english 印尼雅加達列艾福克師兄原文為英文

A great morning in jakarta 雅加達同修的一個美好早晨

Jmeter is an offering under the apache jakarta project umbrella Jmeter是apache jakarta項目麾下的一個產品。

Disciples from jakarta , indonesia 印尼雅加達同修敬上