
jainism n.耆那教〔印度非婆羅門教的一派,其教義與佛教有些相同,...


He is hurried but not worried to hand over the cultural heritage of jainism to the present and future generations of mankind , undeterred and unhindered by all challenges of the materialistic world ; for this young soul has miles to go and miles to go , before he sleeps 他急而不燥地把耆那主義的文化遺產移交給現在及未來幾代人,而不受物質世界挑戰的阻撓;因為這個年輕的圣明之人安息前還有很長的路要走。

Secular india is home to hinduism , islam , christianity , buddhism , jainism , sikhism and other innumerable religious traditions . hinduism is the dominant faith , practiced by over 80 % of the population 長期以來,印度是印度教,伊斯蘭教,基督教,佛教,耆那教,錫克教和其他無數宗教傳統的故鄉。印度教是占優勢的信仰,占據了超過80 %的人口。

This paper focuses on expounding main sramana thinkers and their thoughts by making full use of buddhist ( northern and southern ) and jainism records , related resources of indian and chinese scholars 摘要本文利用佛教(漢傳與南傳) 、耆那教的記載并且參考印度與中國學者的相關著述對沙門思潮的代表性人物及思想進行比較詳細的論述。

Renowned for its spirituality , three of the world ' s oldest and largest religions came into being in india ? ? hinduism , buddhism , and jainism 印度以它的宗教信仰而聞名,世界上最古老的三大宗教皆發源于此? ?印度教、佛教及耆那教。

This book dealing with ten universal supreme virtues of jainism will provide mental and spiritual food to the seekers after truth and non - violence 這本有關耆那主義十大至上美德的書將為尋求真實和非暴力的人們提供精神食糧。

Sanskrit is an indo - european classical language of india and a liturgical language of hinduism , buddhism , and jainism 梵語是印度的古典印歐語系語言,是印度教、佛教和耆那教的祭禮語言。

An introduction to many of the religions of the world . includes jainism , shinto , sikhism , rastafari , paganism , and many others -包含召會簡介服事消息活動花絮行事歷及相關連結等。

I wish him every success in his sincere endeavor in conveying the superb message of jainism to the entire humanity 我祝愿他通過真摯的努力在傳達耆那教教義的事業上取得巨大的成功。

540 bce : india - mahavira , the founder of jainism , is born . he will die around 486 印度? ?馬哈亞維,耆那教的創始人誕生了,他于公元前486年死亡。