
jaina adj.(印度的)耆那教的,耆那教徒(式)的。n.耆那教...


But nobody has given any explanation why they are condemning me because of my book ? which has been translated into thirty - four languages , has gone into dozens of editions , and is read by all the monks whether they are hindu , jaina , christian , buddhist 但沒有人給出任何解釋說為什么他們因為我的書而譴責我? ?這本書被譯為34種語言,有12種版本,被所有印度教的、耆那教的、基督教的還有佛教的和尚閱讀。

Now , we have information about how the rise of the lich king has affected the world , including the creation of the blood elves , and the more long term consequences of jaina ' s betrayal of her father 而現在,我們已經知道巫妖王的復活對世界的影響如何,包括血精靈被創造,以及吉安娜背叛其父親的長期后果。

During the dark nest crisis , jaina solo and zekk searched besgas three as part of their investigation of suspicious tibanna gas siphoning from refineries in the area 在黑暗之巢危機中,婕娜?索洛和澤克在對貝斯平區域氣體精煉廠的可疑提班納氣體虹吸過程的調查中發現了這個精煉廠。

The jaina temples are characterised by a richness of detail that can be seen in the dilwara temples in mt . abu 耆那教廟宇是對細節描繪具有濃烈色彩為顯著特征,可以在達瓦拉廟宇見得到。

Although finnall knows of her half - sister jaina , jaina is unaware of finnall ' s existence 盡管芬娜爾知道她的同父異母姐妹吉安娜,吉安娜卻不知道芬娜爾的存在。

Settlements of jaina proudmoore in the stonetalon mountains are attacked by the warsong clan 珍娜?普羅德摩爾在石爪山脈的定居點被戰歌氏族攻擊

Hearthglen is under seige . jaina leaves to inform uther and the silver hand of the attack 熔爐谷被攻擊,珍娜離開去給烏瑟爾和銀手騎士團報信

Jaina , thrall , cairne , meet with the oracle . medivh reveals himself to be the oracle 珍娜,薩爾,凱恩與神諭見面.麥迪文揭示他自己就是神諭

The plague is discovered in alterac by jaina and arthas 阿爾薩斯與珍娜發現奧特蘭克的瘟疫