
jailhouse 監獄。


Strict chart rules mean all shook up is ineligible because it will come in a collectors “ box , so jailhouse rock will be released on the same day 按照嚴格的排行榜規則,不能算合格的打榜專輯,因為它將成為珍藏版,為此, jailhouse rock將于同一天發行。

A publicity photo from the 1957 film of richard thorpe “ jailhouse rock “ , in which elvis presley plays a convict who becomes a rock star . usa - 1957 1957年影片“搖滾監獄”的海報,貓王在此片中飾演的是一個從監獄罪犯轉變成為搖滾歌手的角色。

And i will be cheering my jailhouse boobies off for you at game day 到比賽那天我會拼命給你加油把這牢房也掀掉

Is the one you happen to come upon in the defendant jailhouse 和你在被告牢房里不小心看到的是同一本嗎

That rancher sat in that jailhouse , 那個坐在監獄里的家伙

In that warm , dry jailhouse with his feet up 坐在他的監獄里

Are you some kind of jailhouse philosopher 你是監獄心理學家?

He was standing there in a pair of those jailhouse slippers 當時還穿這那種拘留所的拖鞋

“ why build all those barracks , or jailhouses ? “為什么要蓋這么多營房或者說牢房呢? ”

When i hear the jailhouse doors close behind me , girls 得等我再被你們弄進去的時候了