
jailer n.監獄看守 (= gaoler)。


Doubtless there was a strange expression in his eyes , for the jailer said , “ come , are you going mad again ? 他的眼里無疑露出了一種奇異的目光,因為那獄卒說, “喂,你又瘋了嗎? ”

S put his plate on the ground near the door ; the jailer , as he entered , stepped on it and broke it 當天晚上,唐太斯故意的把盆子放在門旁邊。獄卒進門時腳踩到盆子上,把它踩破了。

While in prison , it is believed that valentine fell in love with a young girl who may have been his jailer ' s daughter 在監牢時,據說范倫坦和一位獄卒的女兒年輕少女墜入愛河。

After they had been severely flogged , they were thrown into prison , and the jailer was commanded to guard them carefully 23打了許多棍,便將他們下在監里,囑咐禁卒嚴緊看守。

But the lord was with joseph and extended kindness to him , and gave him favor in the sight of the chief jailer 創39 : 21但耶和華與約瑟同在、向他施恩、使他在司獄的眼前蒙恩。

I can get over the wall , she said , laughing . the grange is not a prison , ellen , and you are not my jailer “我能爬墻, ”她笑著說, “田莊不是監牢,艾倫,你也不是我的看守。

Jailer : [ as skinner and the jailer approach the jail cell with jake pressed up against the bars ] we could come back 獄警: [杰克和霍奇被關牢房,教官前來保釋]我們先撤了。

It was the governor , who , hearing of faria s illness from the jailer , had come in person to see him 來者是監獄長,他從獄卒那兒得知了法利亞的病情,所以親自來看看他。

He would have been discovered by the beating of his heart , if by any mischance the jailers had entered at that moment 假如不巧獄卒此時進來,或許會聽到他心跳的聲音。

35 when it was daylight , the magistrates sent their officers to the jailer with the order : “ release those men . 35到了天亮,官長打發差役來,說:釋放那兩個人吧。

The jailer , though rough and hardened by the constant sight of so much suffering , was yet a man 那個獄卒,縱然因為看慣了許多受苦的情形而心腸硬了些,但畢竟是個人。

Jehovah was with joseph ; and he extended kindness to him and gave him favor in the sight of the chief jailer 21耶和華與約瑟同在,向他施恩慈,使他在獄長眼前蒙恩。

The jailer advanced ; dant s appeared not to perceive him . he touched him on the shoulder 獄卒走向前去,唐太斯象沒看見似的,他碰一碰他的肩頭,唐太斯吃了一驚。

34 in anger his master turned him over to the jailers to be tortured , until he should pay back all he owed 34主人就大怒,把他交給掌刑的,等他還清了所欠的債。

When it was daylight , the magistrates sent their officers to the jailer with the order : “ release those men . 35到了天亮、官長打發差役來說、釋放那兩個人罷。

China remains the world ' s leading jailer of journalists , with at least 32 reporters in prison 中國是世界上關押記者最多的國家,目前至少有32名記者在監獄。

This advice was to the jailer s taste , as it spared him the necessity of making another trip 這個建議正合獄卒的心意,這可以使他不必上下再多跑一次了。

“ all right , all right , “ said the jailer ; “ all right , since you will have it so “好! ”獄卒說, “好極了,即然你這樣堅持如此,我就去告訴典獄長。 ”

The breakfast consisted of a piece of bread ; the jailer entered and placed the bread on the table 早餐只有一片面包,獄卒進來把面包放在了桌子上。