
jail n.,vt.=gaol.

jail delivery

E - mail scam swindler jailed for four years services 電子郵件騙案騙徒被判入獄四年

Company director jailed and fined for tax evasion 公司董事逃稅罪成被判入獄及罰款

- becca , come on . - one last game before jail -貝卡,拜托-去監獄前的最后一場游戲

A heavenly christmas party in the jail of san sebastian 圣賽巴斯汀監獄的圣誕派對

More and more economic criminals go to jail 越來越多的經濟罪犯入獄(被關進監獄)

After i got out of jail . i tried my best to move on 我出獄以后只是在努力的活著

And have put them into jail all my freakin ' life 就是要把他們這樣的人渣抓進監獄

Maybe a little time in jail might help him to . . 也許你在牢里呆一段時間能幫助. .

If arness calls the cops , i could go to jail 如果阿妮斯報案,我可能會蹲監獄!

When he awoke , he found himself in a jail 他一覺醒來,發現自己竟進了監獄里了。

Your marshal had him , and he don ' t keep a friendly jail 這兒的監獄可不隨便放人

Becca , come on . - one last game before jail 貝卡,拜托-去監獄前的最后一場游戲

The prisoner was put into the jail with fetters 這個犯人被戴上腳鐐投進了監獄。

You should ' ve brought the “ get out of jail free “ card 你應該帶張“脫獄”卡給我

The prisoner is left to rot in the jail 這個囚徒被投入監獄任憑他漸漸消瘦下去。

But l got 30 grand . l can ' t put him in jail 可我拿了3萬美圓.我不能把他抓進去

Some three hundred leading japanese citizens were removed from jail by these voluntary efforts of the missionary descendants . 靠這些傳教士后裔自動伸出的援手,有三百來個頗有地位的日本人走出了牢房。

He had his own reasons for avoiding the remarks of mrs. saddletree, whose shop-door opened at no great distance from that of the jail . 他有意避免薩德爾特里太太的閑話,而她的店門卻離牢門不遠。

Although the physical condition of the jail was bad, the routine was, according to our notions, an informal one . 監獄里的物質條件雖然很差,但是用我們的觀點看,日常生活倒沒有什么拘束。