
jah n.=Jehovah.

jai alai

Sam tai tsz temple ( also called sam tai tsz palace , which literally means palace of the third prince ) is the only temple dedicated to the worship of sam tai tsz ( who is better known by his real name “ na jah “ ) in hong kong 三太子廟三太子廟(又稱三太子宮)是全港唯一供奉三太子(以其真名哪咤較廣為人知)的廟宇。

People say : good actions require everyone ' s cooperation . muh - jah ’ s teachers are looking forward to when the children become the tallest tree in the future 我們都知道:作育英才的好事,需要你、我、他共同來成就,木柵教育團隊希望孩子們將來都能成為頂天立地的大樹。

Sing unto god , sing praises to his name : extol him that rideth upon the heavens by his name jah , and rejoice before him 你們要向神歌唱,歌頌他的名;為那乘車經過曠野的預備道路(本句或譯: “高舉那乘駕云彩之上的” ) ;他的名是耶和華,你們要在他面前歡樂。

Sing unto god , sing praises to his name : extol him that rideth upon the heavens by his name jah , and rejoice before him 4你們當向神唱詩,歌頌他的名。為那坐車行過曠野的,修平大路。他的名是耶和華。要在他面前歡樂。

Take hold thy shield and rock and stand up for my health oh jah , oh jah , only you can comfort me 你又何必解釋那么多如果你都沒做錯女生本來就是同一國

Give praise to jah , for he is good : make melody to his name , for it is pleasing 你們要贊美耶和華。耶和華本為善。要歌頌他的名,因為這是美好的。

[ bbe ] let your hope be in the lord for ever : for the lord jah is an unchanging rock 你們當倚靠耶和華直到永遠。因為耶和華是永久的磐石。

Let your hope be in the lord for ever : for the lord jah is an unchanging rock 你們當倚靠耶和華直到永遠。因為耶和華是永久的磐石。

The hand of jah has been hard on me ; but he has not given me up to death 耶和華雖嚴嚴地懲治我,卻未曾將我交于死亡。

Her former name was sarai hebrew meaning “ jah is prince . 她曾用名撒萊,希伯來語是“扎是王子”的意思。

O jah , if you took note of every sin , who would go free 主耶和華阿,你若究察罪孽,誰能站得住呢?

Urijah in hebrew means : jah is light 烏利亞意思是耶和華是光。

Jeremiah in hebrew means : jah is high 耶利米的意思是耶和華至高無上。

Hebrew name of obadiah means “ servant of jah . 希伯來名俄巴底亞的意思是“耶和華的仆人“