
jager n.=jaeger2.


14 dengel a , hoch r , hones f , jager t , malburg m , weigel a . techniques for improving ocr results . handbook of characterrecognition and document image analysis , bunke h , wang p s p , world scientific , 1997 , pp . 227 - 258 . 15 ruta d , gabrys b . an overview of classifier fusion methods 系統使用的詞表規模為48詞,采用二值化平滑和基線檢測等對手寫文本圖像進行預處理,提取基于基線的上行筆段下行筆段分別類似于英文中的b , d , h和g , p等字母環狀結構位于主體部分上面下面的點數等結構特征。

Mr lafley reduced mr jager ' s over - ambitious targets of 7 to 9 per cent growth in annual sales to a more realistic 4 to 6 per cent , and its 13 to 15 per cent earnings per share growth target to at least 10 per cent 雅格先生曾把公司年銷售增長率的目標值定為7 %至9 % ,雷富禮先生把這個過高的目標值降到更現實的4 %至6 % ,并把每股收益增長率目標值從13 %至15 %降到不低于10 % 。

The structure would ultimately prove to be the right one , but mr jager attempted to introduce it too fast and set goals that were too demanding , causing dislocation and a loss of focus on its key products 這一架構本該最終證明是正確的,但雅格先生在試圖采用該架構時動作太快,并設定了過高的目標,導致局面混亂,還喪失了對公司主要產品的關注。

Panzer elite jager kommand and support kommand costs increased from 220mp / 20fuel to 220mp / 30fuel 裝甲精英的裝甲殲擊指揮部和裝甲支援指揮部造價由220人力/ 20油料增加為220人力/ 30油料。

Two years ago nicky jager ' s sister , debbie , met a wealthy french guy , 兩年前尼克杰格的姐姐黛比遇見了個有錢的法國人

I trust everyone here likes jager 大家都愛喝雅格酒吧?

The aggressive mr jager tended to intimidate employees 行事激進的雅格先生傾向于威逼員工。