
jag 短語和例子jag1n.1.〔古語〕織品上的V字形凹口[尖...


Figure 1 shows the slightly jagged designer sketch after gesture recognition has cleaned it up a bit 圖1顯示了由“手勢識別”對設計者所畫的略微有點潦草的草圖進行了一點加工的樣子。

By adding a transparent edge to your image you can add jagged , rounded , angled edges or provide a 3d effect 加入透明邊緣你的形象,你可以補充凹凸不平,四舍五入,角邊或提供三維效果

She had been fastened by a rope , and jagging and snarring like a boat at its moorings ; now she was loose and adrift 她曾經被一條繩索系著,顛簸著,搖動著,象一只碇泊著的船。

Mountains are much more jagged than in europe and the river has cut it ' s bed deep into the bright stone 這里的山勢較歐洲來的陡峭,同時溪水將河床切割的很深露出閃亮的巖石。

A jagged array is an array of arrays , and therefore its elements are reference types and are initialized to 交錯數組是數組的數組,因此其元素是引用類型并初始化為

The following code example initializes the array variables to default except for jagged arrays 下面的代碼示例將數組變量初始化為默認值(交錯數組除外) :

Coriander is the dried fruit of a herb with several branches and leaves with jagged edges 胡荽是一種香草植物,它有著許多的枝干,葉子的邊緣呈鋸齒裝。

Rubi ? also owns a wide range of hand tools just as trowels , jagged trowels and brick Rubi同時也有一系列的手動工具,如;抹刀、帶齒刮刀、以及油灰刀等

A jagged array can be either one - dimensional or multidimensional , and so can its elements 交錯數組可以是一維或多維,它的元素也可以是一維或多維。

A crying jag 大哭一陣

From this point it took an easterly direction towards the jagged wahsatch mountains 火車從這兒向東,就要在險峻的瓦薩奇群山中前進。

A neighbor of mine went on an eating jag and gained twenty pounds in two weeks 我的一個鄰居大吃大喝,在兩星期內體重增加了二十磅。

His undersides are jagged potsherds , leaving a trail in the mud like a threshing sledge 30他肚腹下如尖瓦片他如釘耙經過淤泥。

The following examples create single - dimensional , multidimensional , and jagged arrays 下面的示例創建一維、多維和交錯數組:

And wash the jag 清洗一下我的美洲虎

Chasing these jag - offs 追這些瘋子們

I heard that ! - jag - off 我聽見了-無聊

This morning i found out that the jag his mom owns got jacked out the garage 今天早上,我發現他媽媽的美洲虎從車庫被偷了

Let ' s take the jag 我們開那部“捷豹“吧