
jadeite n.硬玉,翡翠。


The marketing of jadeite jade jewelry from taobao . com and ebay . com which are two main domestic sale webs is investigated 摘要利用統計分析和抽樣調查的方法,對國內兩大主要網絡銷售平臺(淘寶網和易趣網)上的天然翡翠飾品的價位及消費情況進行了調查。

Both nephrite and jadeite often have veins , blemishes and streaks running through them , though these may not always be regarded as flaws 紋理斑點與礦脈,但這些特質不一定會被視為缺點,有時反而被認為是有價值的特性。

Whether such as regard nephrite toughness as 1000 , other mineral or toughness of rock . the jadeite emerald is 500 ; serpentine 250 grade 如以軟玉韌性為1000 ,其它礦物或巖石的韌性相對為:硬玉翡翠500蛇紋石250等。

The contents of jadeite ' s mineral composition and rock types will influence the refractivity and specific density of jadeite directly 摘要翡翠的礦物組成、巖石類型不同,將會對翡翠的比重、折射率產生直接的影響。

The jadeite pendant is of the emerald glassy category with fine texture , translucency and color . it is with setting made of 18k gold 18k黃金爪鑲一顆翡翠墜,翠色為祖母綠色,種老水足,款式簡潔,獨具魅力。

Wang , chunyun , 1994 , the problem of jadeite jade in china . hong kong jewellery magazine , vo . 4 , no . 64 , pp . 104 - 106 王春云, 1995 ,軟玉的顏色、結構與成因研究。中國科學院地球化學研究所博士學位論文,貴陽。

Jade , or yu , as it is called in china , is strictly speaking a generic term for two different gems , nephrite and jadeite 值得慶幸的是,近來不僅只是寶石專家,越來越多的人們了解玉石的獨特性。

Rarer , and somewhat tougher , jadeite displays hues which include green , but also white or pink , and reds , blacks , browns and violets 顏色包括翡翠綠白色粉紅色紅色黑色棕色和紫羅蘭色。

The water scene is most enchanting at the jadeite pool , which , it is said , used to be the bathing place of the ocean dragon princess 翡翠池的池水最為迷人,以前據說是海中女沐浴的地方。

Tt is carved out of a piece of jadeite . it is with delicate carving , vivid figures and unique style 翡翠童子拜觀音,是用一整塊翡翠雕刻而成,制作精良,表現手法獨特,人物刻畫的栩栩如生。

The price distribution of jadeite jade bracelet , kwanyin pendant and buddha pendant are statistically analysed 統計和分析翡翠手鐲、觀音、佛這3種飾品在網上的價格分布情況。

Wang , chunyun , 1994b , the problem of jadeite jade in china . hong kong jewellery vo . 4 , no . 64 , pp . 104 - 107 張竹邦, 1993 ,翡翠探秘?在中國云南騰沖。云南科技出版社,昆明。

Jadeite is found in china , russia and guatemala , but the best stones come from burma , now known as myanmar 則是分布在:中國俄羅斯和危地馬拉,但最優質的

The key of the existence and development of business marketing of jadeite jade on internet is the sincerity 網絡翡翠市場生存與發展的關鍵是網絡誠信。

Was established in early 1993 , specialising in the whole sale and retail distribution of gradea burmese jadeite 成立于一九九三年初,專營緬甸天然翡翠

Epitome of the multi - period and multi - stage jade forming history of burma feicui jadeite deposit 緬甸翡翠階地礦床表生還原性水巖反應的寶石學意義

Dome shape jadeite diamond necklace from bvlgary ' s high jewelry collection 珠寶設計師龔遵慈作品,以翡翠、紅寶石、鉆石勾勒出的綠葉胸針。

Study on ancient theories about colours of jade and early history of application of jadeite jade 緬甸翡翠找礦標志及我國翡翠找礦遠景區

A study on the chemical composition of jadeite , relative pyroxene and classification of jade 硬玉及相關輝石化學成份與翡翠玉種研究