
jade 短語和例子jade1n.1.玉,翡翠。2.翡翠色。adj...

jade green

Cosmology of prehistoric chinese jades 中國史前玉器反映的原始宇宙觀(普通話)

The origin of the hunnish jade and relative questions 略論匈奴玉器的來源及相關問題

Cultural connotation of jade in the rites of zhou dynasty 玉在周代禮制中的文化蘊義

Purple jade villas is located on the best section of beijing 執子之手,與紫玉共享

Study on mineralogy of synthetic jadeite jade stone 合成硬玉玉石的礦物學研究

Standard room lijiang jade dragon garden hotel reservation 標準間,玉花園大酒店預訂

What ' s come over you , you jade ? what is it 你是怎么啦,你個賤貨,怎么回事?

If i lose you , my life will be jade blood 如果我失去你,我的生命將變成綠色的血液。

Study on hydrogrossular : analogous jade to jadeite jade 一種翡翠相似玉的研究

Jade rattan ware macao commercial offshore ltd 盈豐有限公司澳門離岸商業服務

Only in the very finest jade is the colour evenly distributed 只有極優質的玉石才

Diaolan jade jigsaw still in only zhuyan changed 雕欄玉砌應猶在,只是朱顏改。

Integrated jade carving system of xia - shang - zhou dynasty 論三代一體的玉器體系

But lately i ' ve been 6 jaded life got so complicated 但是最近生活突然變得煩悶復雜

The first chopsticks were made from bone and jade 最早的筷子是用骨頭和玉制成的。

The first cho ticks were made from bone and jade 最早的筷子是用骨頭和玉制成的。

Elementary introduction to chinese jade jewelry culture 淺談我國的玉石首飾文化

On development and evolution of jade in han dynasty 淺議漢代玉器紋飾的發展演變

The inside of the candy jade is white jade or sapphire 糖玉的內部為白玉或青玉。