
jacqueline n.杰奎琳〔女子名〕。


For general information about british financial services sector activity in china please contact jacqueline ren , uk trade and investment , british embassy beijing : 010 - 51924455 預知有關英國在中國的金融服務的總體情況,請致電英國駐華大使館英國貿易與投資部jacqueline ren : 010 - 51924455

Picture : two exchange students , eric and henri had a lunch meeting with their advisor , chung heng shen . a master student from french language department , jacqueline , joined their meeting 此為葉立克與安光星和他們的導師沈中衡老師聚餐畫面,并且與法文研究所學生呂淑靜一同交流。

He danced the tango , drank good scotch and cognac , favored american jazz and read jacqueline susann , dressed elegantly and was “ the perfect host . 他跳探戈舞,喝上等蘇格蘭威士忌和法國白蘭地,喜歡美國爵士樂,讀杰克琳蘇珊的書,穿著考究,是一個“完美無缺的東道主。 ”

He danced the tango , drank good scotch and cognac , favored american jazz and read jacqueline susann , dressed elegantly and was “ the perfect host . 他跳探戈舞,喝上等蘇格蘭威士忌和法國白蘭地,喜歡美國爵士樂,讀杰克琳?蘇珊的書,穿著考究,是一個“完美無缺的東道主。 ”

Kick off the weather diary - dr . lee boon - ying , assistant director of hko , miss jacqueline cheng , chief executive officer of hkedcity and some participated students 天氣日記啟動-香港天文臺助理臺長李本瀅博士、香港教育城行政總裁鄭銘鳳女士和幾位參與活動的同學

Kick off the weather diary - dr . lee boon - ying , assistant director of hko , miss jacqueline cheng , chief executive officer of hkedcity and some participated students 天氣日記啟動-香港天文臺助理臺長李本瀅博士香港教育城行政總裁鄭銘鳳女士和幾位參與活動的同學

Jacqueline gill has been making superb cakes for more than 15 years and selfridges , harvey nichols and fortnum mason now stock these 杰奎琳-吉爾制作優質的上等蛋糕已經有15年多了, selfridges 、 harvey nichols和fortnum & mason都從她這兒進貨。

Jacqueline winters of schindler ' s corporate communications says , “ riding a destination elevator is like taking a limousine instead of the bus . 辛德勒公司企業通訊部門的賈桂琳.溫德斯說:搭乘目的層電梯就像坐大型豪華轎車,而不是公車。

He think that ivy or jacqueline or anyone else suddenly appeared at street - lamp of the exits , and grinning says , “ how are you here so late ? 他在想ivy或者jacqueline或者其他什么人會突然出現在出口處路燈下,笑嘻嘻的說:怎么現在才出來?

A portrait of jacqueline kennedy with her children caroline and john jr . painted by aaron shikler in 1968 fetched $ 216 , 000 一幅杰奎琳?肯尼迪和她的兩個孩子卡羅琳與小約翰的肖像畫賣到了21 . 6萬美元,此畫為亞倫?申克勒1968年所作。

John northen , general manager of jw marriott hotel shanghai is proud to announce the appointment of the new director of marketing , jacqueline kennedy 上海jw萬豪酒店總經理喬朗臻先生近日宣布,任命凱潔琳小姐為新任市場總監。

Ms . jacqueline cheng , chief executive officer of hong kong education city , presenting prize to the “ best weather diary “ winner , miss ng yin - ni 香港教育城行政總裁鄭銘鳳女士頒獎予最佳天氣日記金獎得主吳燕妮同學

Larson : sounds like fun , but i ' m only here to make an introduction . lara croft , meet jacqueline natla , of natla technologies 拉森:似乎挺有趣,但我只是來做介紹的。勞拉克勞馥,見見納特拉科技公司的杰奎琳?納特拉小姐。

How terrible it was for jacqueline ' s parents , a few months later , when she began to reap the consequences of her terrible decision 幾個月以后,當杰奎琳開始自食其果時,對她的父母來說那是多么殘忍的啊!

He and jacqueline had a house at cannes in the late fifties with william douglas - home , the playwright , and his wife 在五十年代末期,他和杰硅琳在夏納同劇作家威廉?道格拉斯-霍姆和他的妻子合住一幢房子。

Chief executive officer of hkedcity ms jacqueline cheng said the mission of hkedcity was to promote learning through the web 香港教育城行政總裁鄭銘鳳指出:香港教育城一貫以推動網上學習為宗旨。

Fervent support from the likes of audrey hepburn and jacqueline kennedy ensured chanel ' s phoenixlike rebirth 來自奧黛莉?赫本與杰奎琳?肯尼迪等人士的熱情支持,使香奈爾得以如浴火鳳凰般重生。

This time , jacqueline , happy that her father seemed to be respecting her right to choose , did not interrupt 這下杰奎琳高興了,她沒有打斷爸爸的話,因為爸爸好像很尊重她的選擇權。

Mccall smith beat harry potter author jk rowling , iain banks and jacqueline wilson to win the 2004 title 麥克史密斯寫過50多本書,從1999年開始創作偵探系列小說。