
jacobin n.1.【宗教】多明我教派修道士。2.【歷史】(1789...


Come , if so you will , count , and continue this conversation at my house , any day you may be willing to see an adversary capable of understanding and anxious to refute you , and i will show you my father , m . noirtier de villefort , one of the most fiery jacobins of the french revolution ; that is to say , he had the most remarkable audacity , seconded by a most powerful organization - a man who has not , perhaps , like yourself seen all the kingdoms of the earth , but who has helped to overturn one of the greatest ; in fact , a man who believed himself , like you , one of the envoys , not of god , but of a supreme being ; not of providence , but of fate 伯爵閣下,假如您愿意的話,隨便哪一天,只要您高興見到一個尚能解事而且急于想駁倒您的對手的話,那么,請到舍下來繼續這一番談話吧,我想介紹您同家父見面,也就是諾瓦蒂埃維爾福先生,法國革命時期一個最激進的雅各賓派,也就是說,一個最目無法紀,最果斷勇敢的人,他也許不曾象您那樣到過世界上所有的王國,但他卻曾幫助顛覆了世界上一個最強有力的國家,您相信自己是上帝和教世主的使者,他,象您一樣,相信他自己是萬神之主和命運的使音。

In this paper , kinematics analysis modules of the reconfigurable modular parallel micromanipulator are researched , which consists of position analysis module , velocity module , acceleration module , algorithm of jacobin matrix , property index of velocity and acceleration which including decoupled character , isotropy , extremum of velocity and acceleration and so on 包括位置分析模塊、速度、加速度分析模塊,以及雅可比矩陣的算法,速度、加速的性能指標:解耦性、各向同性度、極值指標等,為并聯微動機器人控制軟件模塊化設計奠定了基礎。

And the formula of jacobin matrix for unknown systems is given , which is used to train the neural networks controller in closed systems . secondly , the adaptive identification frame is constructed and applied to the missile systems which contains various nonlinear , unknown factors . and the main parameter model is also constructed using neural networks 在一個已實現的san管理軟件的框架基礎上,著重對基于san的存儲策略進行了研究,設計并實現了數據備份的災難恢復策略,并對現有的san管理軟件進行了優化,使得該軟件具有更加廣泛的適應性。

“ my father has been a jacobin more than anything else , “ said villefort , carried by his emotion beyond the bounds of prudence ; “ and the senator s robe , which napoleon cast on his shoulders , only served to disguise the old man without in any degree changing him “家父是個十足的雅各賓派, ”維爾福說,他的情緒不自覺地脫離了審慎含蓄的范圍。 “拿破侖曾在他身上披上了一件上議院議員的長袍,但那只不過改變了他老人家的外表而已,他的內心絲毫沒變。

The jacobin matrix and its elements for differential - algebraic equation simultaneous solution with newton method are formed . the network injection current and its partial differential coefficient are also derived . so , the basic calculation formulas for the full dynandc simulation are established 導出了牛頓法聯立求解微分方程組和代數方程組的雅可比矩陣,以及雅可比矩陣各元素的計算公式;導出了網絡方程中電流注入量及偏導數的計算公式。

Using the approximate ability to nonlinear function of neural networks , the adaptive frame of identification and controller are constructed . and the formula of jacobin matrix for unknown systems is given , which is used to train the neural networks controller in closed systems 總結了bp神經網絡的基本理論,把基于非線性數值優化技術的leven - marquardt方法用于bp網絡辨識器和控制器的訓練,仿真結果表明該算法性能遠遠優于標準bp類算法。

In general , there are tow nns in the system of nns - imc . one is neuro - controller , and another is neuro - emulator . the neuro - emulator emulates the model of the plant online , and gives the jacobin of the plant to neuro - controller 它一般包括神經網絡控制器和神經網絡觀測器,神經網絡觀測器在線辨識被控對象的模型,以此作為系統的內部模型,并且向神經網絡控制器提供被控對象的梯度信息。

There have not been wanting rebels or revolutionaries - jacobites in the eighteenth century , jacobins in the early nineteenth , for example - but they have never appealed to more than a minority 總有一些不大需要的反抗和革命者,例如18世紀的詹姆斯二世的用戶者以及19世紀初期的雅各賓派,但是他們僅僅得到少數人的支持而以。

Madame defarge returned to her counter to get the wine , and , as he took up a jacobin journal and feigned to pore over it puzzling out its meaning , he heard her say , i swear to you , like evrmonde 在他拿起一張雅各賓黨的報紙裝出吃力地讀著猜測著它的意思時,他聽見她說, “我向你發誓,真像埃佛瑞蒙德! ”

After a silence of a few moments , during which they all looked towards him without disturbing his outward attention from the jacobin editor , they resumed their conversation 他們只顧端詳他,沉默了好一會兒,沒有干擾他對雅各賓派報紙編輯的專心,然后又談了起來。

The vicomte , who was seeing him for the first time , saw clearly that this jacobin was by no means so formidable as his words 子爵頭一次和他會面,可是他心里明白,這個雅各賓黨人根本不像他的談吐那樣令人生畏。

“ and this fortune will be doubled at the death of the old jacobin , noirtier . “ that is a tenacious old grandfather , “ said beauchamp “等到那個老雅各賓黨徒諾瓦蒂埃去世的時候,他的財產還可以再加一倍。 ”

By studying on jacobin matrix of planar , a method that can make the machine avoid singularity on operating is put forward 通過對五桿機構雅可比矩陣的分析,提出了避免機床在工作時出現奇異位形的方法。

“ does he not dislike the idea of marrying the granddaughter of a jacobin ? “跟一個雅各賓黨徒的孫女兒聯姻,他不反感嗎? ”

Depiction of industrial robot ' s jacobin matrix by soa 工業機器人雅可比的空間算子代數描述