
jackson 短語和例子Jackson1n.杰克遜〔地名:1.美國密西...


In the absence of mr . jackson , we held a meeting 在杰克遜先生不在的情況下

Michael jackson now lives in california 邁克爾杰克遜現在住在加利福尼亞。

Excuse me , may i see mr . jackson , the manager 勞駕,我能見經理杰克遜先生嗎?

Sorry but i want to marry michael jackson 抱歉,因為我想嫁給邁克爾杰克遜

I ' m going to be a pop star like michael jackson 我要當邁克爾-杰克遜那樣的流行歌星。

Michael jackson is not as popular as he used to be 邁克爾?杰克遜沒有以前那么紅了。

But when i think about going up against bill jackson 但只要想到要跟比爾杰克森對決

Ms . jackson : do i get overtime pay for this 杰克森小姐:這種情形有加班費嗎?

He is almost equal to michael jackson when he sing 他唱歌幾乎比得上邁克爾.杰克遜。

A : mr . tang , here comes mr . hubert jackson 唐先生,休伯特.杰克遜先生來了。

There ' s hoffman , there ' s latona , ridiey , jackson 有霍夫曼,拉托納瑞德里,杰克遜

Jackson is one of the legends of pop music 杰克遜是流行音樂的傳奇人物之一。

In today ' s headlines , rutgers professor tarik jackson 今天的頭條塔里克?杰克森教授

I am really crazy about michael jackson ' s rock ' n ' roll 我對麥克杰克遜的搖滾愛的發狂

Did you ever see a movie i did called a man named jackson 你看過我的《杰克遜》嗎

Jackson didn ' t give any of the three an edge 杰克遜并沒有說三人中哪個人更有優勢。

Second - year guard takes jackson ' s talks to heart 二年級的后衛將禪師的話銘記于心。

Ms . jackson : sir , i don ' t know how to make coffee 杰克森小姐:先生,我不會煮咖啡。

This operation is in the charge of doctor jackson 這次手術由杰克遜大夫負責。