
jackpot n.1.【牌戲】(要有一對杰克以上的好牌才能開局下注的)...


There are six games , it is very interesting , when you see the billboard of the progressive jackpot keeping up ,有6種,哪個都非常有趣。即時知道progressive jackpot額連續不斷上升。

Marcia hit the jackpot when she opened her antique shop ; she ' s so successful she ' s thinking of buying another one 馬西婭開了一家古玩店賺了一大筆錢。她如此成功正打算再買一家呢。

They quizzed jackpot winners and came up with 10 tips to keep you feeling on top of the world 他們測試了賭橋牌的贏家,并拿出10美元的小費讓你有一種普天之下,舍我其誰的感覺

Tom hit the jackpot when he sold the stock in the fast - food franchise that he bought in 1969 湯姆在賣出他于1969年購買的快餐業的特許經營權的股份時,賺了一大筆。

They quizzed jackpot winners and came up with 10 tips to keep you feeling on top of the world 他們采訪了多位中了彩票頭等獎的人,總結出了十條感覺幸福的秘訣。

B : ever since i hit the jackpot . i won one hundred thousand dollars last week in the scratch lottery 自從我中大獎以后。我上星期中了十元元的刮刮樂彩票。

Ever since i hit the jackpot . i won one hundred thousand dollars last week in the scratch lottery 自從我中大獎以后。我上星期中了十元元的刮刮樂彩票。

Ever since i hit the jackpot . i won one hundred thousand dollars last week in the scratch lottery 自從我中大獎以后。我上星期中了十元的刮刮樂彩票。

After ten years of endless search for the missing treasure , they finally hit the jackpot (十年不停的尋找后,他們終于交了好運找到失落的寶藏。 )

Susan : no kidding . wow . that takes the cakes . are you sure you did hit the jackpot 蘇珊:不是開玩笑的吧!哇!真是太棒了。你確定你中獎了嗎?

In some cases , there ' s two somebodies for one person . i like to call that “ the jackpot “ 不過有的時候會是一對二,就像累積賭注一樣

I won the jackpot 我中了大獎!

He hit the jackpot when the stocks he invested in tripled in value in one day 他贏了一大筆錢,他的股票在一天之內就翻了三倍。

You just hit the jackpot 你賺到了

I still couldn ' t believe he hit the jackpot to win the first prize of the lottery 我仍然無法相信他運氣突然好到中了樂透頭獎。

We ` d hit the jackpot 我們中了頭彩。

He hit a big jackpot 他偶然中了頭獎。

He must have hit the jackpot with the sales of his last gramophone record 他賣掉最后的一張留聲機唱片,一定賺了大錢。

I ' m gonna hit the jackpot , 我會贏得頭彩的,