
jackleg adj.,n.1.技術不高明的(人);外行的(人)。2....


And be in our country , the people of very much impoverished and backward area returns those who preserving a tradition to live idea , go up not to go to school , admit not know how to read does not have any meanings to them , giving birth to a son is to pass ancestor receive jackleg 而且在我國,很多貧困落后地區的人們還保留著傳統的生存觀念,上不上學,認不認字對他們來說沒有任何意義,生了兒子就是為了傳宗接代用的。

She hired a jackleg electrician to fix the lighting in her garden . and you know what happened next 她請了個蹩腳的電工修花園的照明系統。接下來的事我不說你也知道了。

Developing the green production - jackleg hydraulic drill 支腿式水壓鑿巖機