
jackknife n. 大折刀;屈體跳水法。2.vt. 用大折刀切。3.v...


Jackknife of suitable bolster plate is used must not exceed two , total ply must not exceed 15 millimeter , the jackknife of horizontal bolster plate is used must not exceed 3 , thicker bolster plate should be put in lower level 順墊板重疊使用不得超過兩塊,總厚度不得超過15毫米,橫墊板的重疊使用不得超過三塊,較厚墊板應放在下層。

The subject that why studies from the specialized subject that studies some major and undergraduate course has jackknife , for instance legal specialized subject and undergraduate course have this kind of case 為什么自考有些專業的專科和本科考的科目有重疊啊,比如法律的專科和本科就有這種情況!

Posada was up next , and with one strike , he drove a screamer to right , just foul . the next pitch jackknifed under his bat for strike three 小波是下一棒打擊者,一好球后,他打出支嚇人的一擊,但可惜是界外。而下一球,讓小波揮棒三振他出局。

Be to say the course specialized subject of jackknife need not take an examination of undergraduate course what be still 是說重疊的科目專科考了本科就不用再考了還是什么?

The algorithm has been trained and tested on bacillus subtilis promoter dataset by the jackknife method 對實際數據集進行的刀切法測試驗證了算法的有效性。

The goal is to reduce the impact a crash would have on the front car and prevent cars from jackknifing 減輕前面車廂受到的撞擊沖力從而使機車免于折裂。

Them are his trousers i ve on me and he gave me an oilskin and that jackknife 俺身上穿的就是他的褲子,還給了俺一塊油布和那把大折刀。

With a jackknifed trailer truck , so 一輛拖車連環相撞,所以

With a jackknifed trailer truck , so . . 一輛拖車連環相撞,所以…

What do these course of jackknife have to distinguish 重疊的這些科目有什么區別嗎?

Arch spat some more tobacco juice on his boot top and whetted the jackknife blade some more . 阿奇又朝靴面上吐了些煙沫,再把大折刀磨了幾下。