
jackfruit n.【植物;植物學】1.波羅蜜樹〔產于東印度〕。2.波羅...


Various seasonal delicacy fruit , the species are numerous , all the year round continuously , streets of kunming often the years all have the supply . the famous fruit have : the ivory fruit of jinggu , pineapple of xinping , yuanyang , yuanjiang and lujiang , zhiama banana , tiaobao banana and aijiao bananb of honghe , yuxi , simao , dehong , the baozhu pear of chenggong , the green apple of zhaotong , the yellow peach of the suburban area of kunming , taoli and huize of kunming and luliang , receive from of pomegranate , the jackfruit of the river valley district etc 著名的果品有景谷象牙果,新平元陽元江路江產的菠蘿,紅河玉溪思茅德宏產的芝麻蕉天寶蕉矮腳蕉,河谷區的菠蘿蜜呈貢的寶珠梨,昭通的青只果,昆明郊區的黃桃,昆明陸良產的桃李會澤蒙自的石榴,河谷地區的酸角等。

The decision to grow jackfruit trees along the driveway of the parking lot was made by the work team after consideration of a number of factors . considerations included whether the branches of the trees would bend too low , causing damage to cars and making parking inconvenient , whether the trees would require longterm care , and whether they would yield an economic return 之后,工作小組在詳細考慮之后,決定以波羅蜜為停車場所的行道樹,評估條件包括葉子分布不能太低以免停車不便又傷及樹木,不需長期投注過多的人力來照顧,另外也應兼具產能及經濟收益等。

Several years ago , fellow practitioners planted jackfruit trees in the parking lot of laiyi center . as time passed , the trees grew and bore fruit . now , one can see seven or eight jackfruits , each weighing some 24 kg , growing on each tree 年前,來義道場的停車場種植了一批波羅蜜果樹,如今已結實累累,同株樹上出現了同時懸掛七八個果實的豐收盛況,甚至單單一顆波羅蜜果即重達四十臺斤呢!

Two people went out to eat a kind of food called jackfruit . it s a kind of fruit that has spines outside and looks very ugly . it s this fat and this big with many seeds and sweet knobby flesh inside 有兩個人一起出去吃東西,這種東西叫做波羅蜜,波羅蜜是外面有刺的一種很丑的水果,這樣那么胖那么大一粒,然后里面有很多核仁,核仁外面包有很甜的果肉。

His village home lay there at the end of the waste land , beyond the sugarcane field , hidden amomg the shadows of the banana and the slender arecapalm , the coconut and the dark green jackfruit trees 他的家就在荒地邊緣的村落里,穿過甘蔗園,隱匿在香蕉樹和瘦長的檳榔樹,以及椰子樹和深綠色的榴蓮的陰影里。

Surrounded by litchi , bamboo and jackfruit trees , embellished with rustic style thatched pavilions and open - air dining tables on the lawn , the garden is a beautiful place for outdoor dining 園內布滿荔枝樹青竹菠蘿蜜等植物,草地上點綴著鄉村風格的毛草亭和露天餐桌,是戶外火鍋晚餐和宵夜的理想場所。

Ingredients : jackfruit , glucose syrup , refined vegetable oil , flavor ( hvp , flavors , natural essential oil ) , antioxidant 配料:菠蘿蜜、葡萄糖漿、精煉植物油、調味料(水解植物蛋白、食用香料、天然植物精油) 、抗氧化劑。

Also known as jackfruit . this oval - shaped , yellow fruit is very popular in malaysia 又名波羅蜜果,黃色橢圓形狀,是馬來西亞非常流行的一種水果。

Observation on the vessel elements of secondary xylem in jackfruit artocarpus heterophyllus 菠蘿蜜次生木質部導管分子觀察

Thai fruit jackfruit 一種泰國水果波羅蜜果。

After they both agreed , they went out to share a big jackfruit together 兩個都同意后就去合吃一粒很大的波羅蜜。

The jackfruits of laiyi center 來義道場的波羅蜜

95 center s event the jackfruits of laiyi center 95道場小記來義道場的波羅蜜